This is a difficult question. It is facetious in one sense. Everyone is amoral. Everybody fails to be perfect.

Listening to democrats you would think they think of themselves as utterly perfect. We all know this is impossible and frequently the people who claim to be the most moral are in fact the most immoral.

The accusations of democrats and republicans have a slightly different tone if you listen carefully.

Democrats accuse Trump of being racist, of being immoral, of lying constantly, they accuse him of sexual indiscretions, corruption and on and on.

No one can claim that Trump hasn’t had sexual indiscretions. But let’s face it 50% of people male and female admit to affairs or something similar. Not only that but movie stars, music people, billionaires, sports stars are notoriously unfaithful. Democrats in particular given the #metoo ubiquity among liberals and especially among the Clinton party have no leg to stand on.

The fact is democrats have tried to pin Donald Trump with some crime for 4 years. They have looked into every minute of his life from his childhood to present looking for things to criticize him.

No person to my knowledge ever in history could withstand such examination without finding lots of flaws. The democrats don’t care that they themselves would be destroyed by such examination. Their goal is to destroy Donald Trump so the fairness of going after him in such illegal and immoral manner is irrelevant to them. It is Donald Trump after all. Everything is justified to get him even criminal behavior. Even beheading or bombing the White House.

I heard in my own optometrist office democrats joking over Trump getting covid and dying. These are not people concerned with actual morals. They are willing to do anything including lying on FISA applications, destroying the reputation of our FBI and CIA as politically independent agencies.

These are people who are so gullible in their need to find something to get Donald Trump they will talk to a Russian joke radio station that knows how democrats are desperate to the point of absurdity in their desire for dirt on Trump that they can tell a congressman that they have nude Trump pics with a Russian woman Olga Bigtits and the congressman says he will send over his secretary to pick them up.

The fact is that in spite of them using the tax dollars of the American people by the billion to literally find something on Donald Trump they failed.

So, how immoral can Donald Trump be that he withstood all this investigation and the worst they have come up with is that he slept with an aging hooker 15 years ago once and then paid $130,000 to get her to be quiet. That has to be one of the most expensive 10 minute sexual experiences in history. It was at least consensual unlike so many of the democrat #metoo incidents we have read about.

We are going through the democrat convention. What is not mentioned so far by the democrats is that they impeached Trump 8 months ago just at the start of the pandemic.

Nancy Pelosi ripped up Donald Trump’s SOTU speech in a picture of hatefulness and disrespect hardly ever seen in American politics before. The democrats hate. They hate so much they will do anything. They want power back. They want that power so much they will do anything, say anything and they feel justified because they claim Donald Trump is the immoral one.

Except they can’t find the exact crime he committed that is so immoral.

They spit out how Donald Trump was xenophobic for cutting off China travel and then European travel 2 weeks later when the virus was nothing. Nancy said go to Chinatown and hug a Chinese person like the Italian mayor said.

She said that because the Chinese told us the disease was only spread bat to human at that time. There was only one case in America known.

In the end after 4 years of billions of dollars in taxpayer paid investigations that were illegally started and illegal in almost every aspect they got nothing.

He didn’t break campaign finance law. Barack Obama paid $2 million in FEC fines far more than Trump has.

He didn’t break any laws related to sex that anybody is willing to charge him with. The democrats paid a lot of women $50,000 each to make accusations he touched them but none are pressing charges and most of them withdrew the allegations after the election.

He didn’t break any laws about Russia collusion. They could not find a single conversation at any point with any Russian about the election. In fact, they had no basis to even ask the question because there never was any evidence. In other words they abused our court and justice system to start an investigation with NO evidence only a fantasy that the opposition concocted to hurt Trump.

When some of his tax records popped up mad cow the person who had spun conspiracy after conspiracy of Russian lies was relishing disclosing how Trump was cheating. She discovered to the dismay of liberals that Trump actually paid more than they did in taxes in percentage.

They leaked conversations of other leaders with Trump. They wrote books by the dozen of allegations.

In the millions of records uncovered in breaking into his lawyers office they found nothing. During the entire banking scandal of 2008/2009 no lawyers offices were broken into but the democrats found a way to break into Cohen’s office to search for anything. Normally you have to have a crime, a case, evidence to investigate. They fabricated them. They found nothing.

In all the dealings of his casinos and the billions of dollars he’s made and business he’s done over the years they couldn’t find any infidelity.

They haven’t found more sexual indiscretions.

The thing I think is most striking about Donald Trump is that in spite of the distractions of the constant investigations and accusations of democrats which always turn out to be crimes they committed themselves not Trump Donald Trump is actually incredibly productive.

What has Donald Trump been doing? Well, honestly it is impossible to deny. He has been doing exactly what he said he would do. He has helped the middle class, the poor, he has tried to stem illegal immigration, made more jobs than Obama by far, grew the economy faster, deregulated, tried to remove Obamacare.

It is important to note that you cannot include the voluntary beheading of our economy for the covid crisis that we all agreed to. So you can’t take the low point of that beheading and use it against Trump.

Trump is the most transparent president in history. A lot of people don’t like this. Just imagine if we knew what Obama was really thinking about people? What Nixon thought about people? Trump is doing something no other public official has done. He tells us what he thinks about everything. I personally find that good.

I prefer to know what our politicians are thinking and doing rather than having them hide it and do things we don’t know about like striking deals with Chinese we don’t know about.

Charlie Kirk who is a student advocate for republicans answered a question about Donald Trump’s morality in a very powerful way. Here is a YouTube of his answer.

He made the observation that you can judge the morality of a politician by if he does what he promised to do.

You may not agree with everything he is doing but he is doing what he said he would do. That is by itself astonishing because frankly after all the years voting for politicians it almost never is true.

Obama promised hope and lots of things. His only achievement is Obamacare which I don’t even remember was a thing he made a big issue in the election. He promised to fix race relations. We ended up with worse race relations when he finished. Democrats have been inciting race violence as they have done since their party founded in the early 1800s.

The Democratic Party is the party of slavery and race hatred. They started it, have supported race hatred and they have always been the ones stringing up people black or whites over race.

So, it is surprising they accuse Trump and republicans of racism when it is republicans who have fought democrat racism for 150 years since the founding of the Republican Party which was literally founded on the idea of freeing blacks from oppression of the democrats.

I have written a post that describes the insanity of the charges of democrats about racism of republicans. Republicans were the ones who supported the civil rights acts legislation that put the final nails in the coffin of black oppression. Republicans died at the hands of KKK and democrat gangs and mobs that killed sympathizers of the black rights.

Yet democrats try to paint as usual their position as the moral position and Trump and republicans as the immoral position. They always do this. They are sure of their morality just as they were sure of stringing up blacks and sympathizers of black rights. These are people who don’t think twice about their moral superiority.

They go on CNN and righteously claim that Trump is the racist when they have done zilch for blacks. They call Trump the racist when he passed enterprise zones, funded historically black colleges, passed justice reform and has produced the lowest historical ever unemployment rate for blacks and led blacks to outperform whites in income and wealth growth in 3 years that Obama never did.

Yet Trump is the racist when they promote race riots that have destroyed black neighborhoods, destroyed black businesses, killed black people at 300% the rate before the riots, destroyed future prosperity of blacks by burning their businesses and killing them.

They sent infected old people into old age homes in blue democrat states that killed huge numbers of blacks.

They have promoted a defund the police movement that has hurt black cops and also imperils the future of black communities which will suffer from less policing not more policing.

Just as president Trump has produced gains for blacks the democrats unleash the biggest onslaught on black prosperity in a century.

The lockdown is killing black people. Besides their nursing home policies which killed 70% more blacks than whites and the riots which have resulted in many more black deaths and the increased crime rate which is killing almost all blacks they are promoting the shutdown which is killing more blacks than whites.

Black children in the inner city need schools more than white kids in suburban districts. If those kids are left home unsupervised they get infected by pimps, drug dealers and criminals who dominate the inner city poverty areas. Their kids are being systematically killed and harmed by the continued lockdown and lack of schools much more.

Do democrats talk about that? Any of this? No! They talk about Donald Trump and how immoral he is.

What immorality? They’ve been searching for it for 4 years and found none. Literally none.

They impeached him but the fact is the charges in the impeachment articles were not crimes. The charges have no code numbers. You can’t find these crimes in the books of laws because they aren’t crimes. They are feelings that democrats felt and decided to impeach Trump on.

The US constitution is clear that you cannot charge someone for a crime before the crime became a law. This is common sense. How can someone avoid committing a crime if they don’t know it is a crime? The constitution did this because other countries had used such means to remove and hurt people unfairly and corruptly.

So, the constitution made it illegal to charge someone for a crime before it was a crime. That is precisely what the democrats did. They charged Trump with obstruction of congress. There is no law against obstruction of congress.

They wanted his tax returns to keep investigating him for the 5th year in a row to keep up their multi-billion dollar distraction of constant accusation and hate speech against Donald Trump. He refused to go along anymore and they said they had the right to ask for anything.

The Supreme Court ruled a few weeks ago that actually the congress had no right to ask for anything from the president like that. The Supreme Court basically said there is no obstruction of congress. So, their impeachment is bullshit on many levels.

Even the vaunted Hamilton argued that the presidency should not be someone who serves at the discretion of the congress. The president is elected by the people and he should represent the will of the people who voted for him under any circumstances except in the case of a clear and severe crime like treason not biting your nails.

No president has been removed although a few charged with high crimes the congress of the democrats stooped to a new low in saying basically we hate you Donald Trump and we want to put an asterisk on your name that insults you. We impeach you to hurt you. We want to hurt you. We want to be able to say you were impeached even if the charges are ridiculous and probably illegal to make and purely vindictive hate. We want to be able to say it because we hate you and we hate you beat us.

So, the democrats are unhinged. One could say they have frequently been unhinged. They were unhinged when they strung up blacks and they are unhinged about Donald Trump. They’d like to string him up or at least take a running head kick at him like they do to people trying to defend a trans woman.

The fact is they can’t help it partly because their media is inciting them. Democrats are emotional and their media incite them with long monologues of hate they preach every night on their networks. The constant nightly incitement of hate is mentally damaging. It is making them crazy.

If you ask a liberal if they dislike Donald Trump they will say yes. What choice do they have? Either they have been programmed by the media they listen to that preaches hate of Donald Trump every day with lies and false messages that I have shown don’t have merit above.

Or they say they hate him because they are scared to death that some other liberal will hear they don’t hate Trump which would get them hated by their own friends. So, they hate because they have to hate or they might get beat up.

It’s important to know that democrats are weak and will cower if they think they might be disliked on facebook. They think it is damaging to get disliked on social media. They think holding views inconsistent with others is bad or at least might be punished so they cower.

Morality could be defined as doing what you believe in.

Yet they call Donald Trump immoral when they demonstrate constantly that they are immoral because all they care about is appearing moral and will lie or cower or do anything to cowtow to people who tell them what to think. They won’t do what they think. They will say and do what they are told regardless of its morality or consistency with what they think.

If BLM says to pay them money. They pay money. If BLM tells them to say black lives matters they say it wether they believe it is true. BLM says black lives matters when it is provable that actually they don’t care at all about black lives. They are actually a Marxist organization using race as a springboard to raise money and political power.

So, is Donald Trump moral? Not perfectly, but he is surprisingly moral and certainly more than any democrat I am aware of.

Remember, everything democrats accuse republicans and Trump of is exactly what they are doing. So, when they accuse him of immorality just consider what they are really saying.

For the last few nights we have been subjected to the pronouncements of moral superiority of democrats on race. They want to finally end race hatred.

Yet they were in power just 4 years ago for 8 years. They didn’t solve it. They didn’t even improve it. Many blacks have said things got worse. For 8 years they were in power and what was their solution?

Did they just think of the solution? Did George Floyd dying at the hands of a democrat cop in a democrat city run by a democrat governor for decades suddenly find the solution to race problems?

Is it the chokehold? Racist statues? The cops? Cops who put their lives on the line every day to save black lives not kill blacks? Is that it?

They don’t tell us but we are supposed to believe that if you vote for Joe Biden he has the solution even though he never told Obama about it when they were in power for 8 years just 4 years ago.

What is their solution? Kneeling? Hating America? Reimagining cops and reimagining America as a socialist country?

Have socialists been less racist? I suggest you do a little research into China.

The least racist society on earth is demonstrably the US. This is proved everyday because it is the place immigrants who are 98% non-white come to to succeed and have hope. More immigrants than the rest of the world combined.

Why would 98% non-white people come here in droves if this was a racist country?

How could a racist country elect a black president twice?

The democrats argument is that we should elect them mainly because they will solve the race problem but they don’t have any answers and they didn’t have any answers before for 8 years when they were in power just 4 years ago.

In fact, as i just pointed out after Trump demonstrably has helped blacks enormously the democrats have staged in one year a devastating attack on blacks in a dozen ways to crush black people.

It makes me hurt to think of this. All that was accomplished the democrats have destroyed and yet they say they want to help black people as they defund police leading to 300% rise in homicides.

They extend the shutdown that is killing blacks more than whites. Over and over they say one thing but the result is the opposite even when they are in charge such as in Chicago or Baltimore.

Please don’t fall for their incredible lies. Please don’t let them come in and take away the future of black peoples and all people in America with their insane policies which cannot work.

Socialism destroys wealth. Socialism is lies. It never does what it says just like the democrats. They never do what they say. So, don’t let their lying propaganda networks seduce you into their hate and fear.