It’s become apparent that the democrats are the criminals in our society. When you see people rioting, breaking into stores, shooting … all these people are democrats.

You could say violent criminals, a lot of them idiots and bullies probably don’t vote but if they do vote they aren’t voting for republicans that’s for sure.

This explains why the democrats want to defund the police. They hate the police because they lock up all their friends and good people who go around and sell the drugs they like to use ( as long as it’s not HCQ the presidents favorite drug.)

During the 2016 election it was democrats who conspired in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA to get dirt from Russians to smear Trump with sexual innuendo and collusion that didn’t exist. They have been fired from these organizations for ethical misconduct, quit in disgrace or are under prosecution soon.

The cops were dirty and instead of going after drug lords under Obama they were spying on the republicans corruptly.

Biden was getting his son multi-million dollar gigs that required no work because he was a drug addict that needed that much money to support his cocaine habit and hooker habit that he knocked up but refused to pay for her child.

No wonder they want the cops disbanded. Many of their voters or potential voters are all criminals. Illegal immigrants, illegal drug dealers, illegal drug users, violent felons and corrupt officials who only care about one thing. Getting back into power so they can start handing out the jobs to their kids and friends.

None of these criminals is republican.

A study recently of convicts showed 61% democrats and only 9% republicans. My guess is that violent convicts would be closer to 100% democrats. The same study showed that after leaving prison and qualifying for voting these people voted 73% for democrats.

Thus we can see why Bernie Sanders wanted criminals in jail to be able to vote. Probably 80% would vote democrat.

I have hesitated to make this conclusion in the past because there are white collar republican criminals. People trying to get around tax policies like Manafort, Cohen but when you are looking for the vast majority of criminals it’s clear now that we are talking democrats.

When you see people smashing in stores, stealing and looting, Chicago gun deaths or shootings we are talking democrats.

Sure many democrats aren’t criminals. Some are patsy’s who believe the rhetotic of the party intended for the masses so they can claim they are good people wanting to save the planet etc but of course the planet isn’t in danger. They lie about everything.

So they put up a front that they are a legitimate party with things to do. They are going to help you. Except when they get into power they go into full scale corruption mode and start handing out jobs and working to permanently gain power by bringing in drug dealers, rapists, ms-13 gang members and anybody who wants to come in and work for them at sub-minimum wage to clean their houses and do their lawns.


There was a time when I could believe the Democratic Party had values and was the party of peace and love and open minds but today the Democratic Party is the party of statue destroyers and people destroyers, thieves, murderers and corrupt officials.

Rayshod had 14 convictions including child sex

They are also the people who commit 95% of the sex crimes although they will always find women who will claim some republican touched them 40 years ago in high school they are the rapists, pedophiles, sex harassers.

Andy Gno being assaulted in riot

Go to the FBI’s most wanted list. Do these look like republican voters?

David Down’s alleged murderer

I am not denying there are lots of non-criminals in the Democratic Party. They need voters so they sucker in these people with their message that they will give everyone everything they want. They will solve racism, poverty even as they are the ones who run the cities of poverty and racism.

Republican baseball shooter

Over the last 5 years alone there have been 600 documented cases of democrats attacking republicans. The baseball shooter above is just one of 600 democrats who are targeting republicans. So, their crime is not always targeted at other democrats or just randomly. Democrats are specifically targeting republicans frequently.

They never solve anything because they are too busy handing out checks to their favorite cronies in business but democrats have been especially bad at handling crime.

If you think that all this money for global warming is going to save the planet give me a break. These people are just creating a jobs program for themselves and creating investment opportunities for them to make billions before they crash and burn.

They also don’t want to solve problems because then there would be no need for them and their handouts and for their message that they are your saviors so they go after desperate people and sell them hope they never deliver for votes.

Look at cnn and the media. They are conspirators with the mob to incite people to violence. They make money off crime and violence and discontent so they actively fan it to boost their viewership and boost the Democratic Party which feeds off the despair and hopelessness by promising them leadership and unions and to sock it to the businessmen.

I may sound cynical and overly pessimistic about the democrats. Maybe seeing their anti-Americanism paraded about is getting to me. Seeing the riots and people’s businesses destroyed, the attacks on cops has made me wonder if democrats are really just the criminals and that’s who they represent.

The fact is when you see these guys in Chicago or NYC running around with guns and shooting people they are clearly not republicans. When you see people pulling down public property, defacing public property and threatening people in their homes it is not republicans.

When democrats hold rallies or demonstrations they frequently devolve into violent attacks on local businesses and burnings. When republicans hold rallies there is never any violence except if an Antifa protest shows up to throw undried cement on people.

So, not every democrat is a criminal but almost all criminals and certainly almost all violent criminals are democrats. Makes you think. No wonder they want no bail, defund the police and violent rioting. Makes stealing so much easier.

Democrats on CNN MSNBC and liberal mob make accusations all day against republicans. They call everyone a racist, white supremacist who isn’t. They call people criminals who aren’t.

So, why can’t the republicans play the same game. I accuse them of being the criminals. I’m pretty sure they are the vast majority of criminals.

For all I know democrats may be fine with being the criminals. They may see this as the downtrodden they represent. So, maybe this accusation doesn’t bother them.

Crime has been cyclical over the last 100 years. Going up from very low levels prior to 1920s and rising to levels seen only in the 1970s. After 1933 the congress revoked prohibition and the crime rate fell dramatically.

After WWII crime stayed at very low levels until the 60s. By 1980 crime had hit levels above the prior peak of prohibition. People became scared and started to do things like putting in Rudy Giuliani in NYC. C

rime has plunged over the last 40 years but in 2014 there was a surge attributed to the Ferguson effect meaning that the deals that Obama worked with some cities to relax policing resulted in a 90% increase in crime in those cities and 30% overall national rise in crime.

Over the last 5 years the crime rate fell back almost to the 2013 level but we know today that 2020 will be a huge jump. Police are dispirited. We already see a rise in crime higher than the Ferguson effect. Crime in NYC this last week rose almost 300%.

It seems inevitable with the damage done to our police departments and the negative attitude that we will see a massive rise in crime over the next few years and at an unprecedented rate of rise.

If you are worried about corruption in the government, the rise in homicide rates and cities becoming unlivable like they were in the 1970s and 80s then you might want to consider if you vote for democrats who if not criminal themselves are big advocates for criminals and support criminal behavior.

CNN called the riots mostly peaceful when 14 people died and 500 million dollars in damage. No riot is peaceful if anyone dies if there is millions of damage it can’t be called peaceful. So, CNN and the liberals cover for criminals and criminal activity.

When they say the president lies and they accuse the president of crimes consider who is saying this. These are people who we know have lied constantly for years.