The world is tough at times. There are thousands of people killed every year in america. The number would be vastly higher if cops didn’t exist to take on the murderers.

We have proof of this. When President Obama relaxed police in Chicago and other cities the death of blacks in those cities rose 90% from an already incredibly high number. If those cops did nothing or if they were bad and not saving lives then you would expect that the crime rate and homicide rate would have stayed the same or even dropped.

This is virtually proof. 100% proof. Cops are saving lives. Cops also enforce the laws we create.

The spike in the curve above staring in 2014 represents thousand of lives lost that didn’t need to be.

Each of these lives that were lost by Obama’s changes represents a family that has lost someone. This is the ultimate deceit of the left. They killed thousands more with their reform and they never say anything about that. They never acknowledge the good the police were doing and are doing.

All they do is complain about what is clearly a wrong action and then try to insinuate that this is common except it isn’t the norm. The norm is that cops are saving lives not killing people. The job is difficult and some are bad apples. Mistakes get made and some people are bad but the system on the whole still produces vastly more good than bad and most if not every single cop is a good person who is not racist and is trying to help society not kill black people.

We created a law that says that if you are in a car drunk alone and even if the car is not moving you can be charged with DUI. Cops didn’t invent this law. We did. They are supposed to enforce the peace and the laws.

It is a non-trivial job. Every day is 99% pure boredom picking up people speeding, dealing with small thieves or just watching and waiting. Then there is the 1% where suddenly they are faced with life or death.

If a person is on parole for instance and a cop is just checking up on a car that has been sitting there for a long time and you are in your car drunk you must realize the instant you see that cop that your life will change in an instant.

One instant you are sitting in the car smoking a joint or drinking something or doing nothing and suddenly as that cop approaches you are looking at spending years in jail away from your family and the end to your life as you know it. I can understand why people would panic in such a situation. The stakes are huge.

I don’t blame the cops. Maybe the law should be modified that you can’t get a DUI from sitting on the side of the road sleeping off a few drinks. There should be a benefit to realizing you are drunk and getting off the road.

The news media is trying to portray there was some beautiful way out of this situation. There wasn’t. Once the driver decided to fight being arrested for the minimal charge of 0.1bac DUI he was suddenly in a far different situation.

He now is facing assaulting a police officer(s), taking an officer’s weapon, fleeing the scene. Each of these worse than the 0.1 bac dui charge. If he was willing to fight officers for this charge then does anyone think the next encounter was going to go smoother?

He was likely to go home and if he had a weapon there take the weapon with him and flee. If not he would get a weapon and stage a shootout at home. Or maybe he would face other officers down the road and this time kill an officer.

What if the perp had been successful in tasering one of the officers or both since they aren’t allowed to shoot him. Once he had them disabled he could steal their weapons. Would he? This might seem crazy but what is crazy is that facing a 0.1 dui charge he decided to fight and commit crimes that might get him in jail for months.

Maybe he did this because he has other unresolved charges or is on parole and is violating his parole or he knows if they impound his car they’ll find a weapon.

The left tries to make out as if this is some innocent dweeb who just decided to flee (funny him) and the cops went crazy and shot him.

They conflate the fact that he just committed serious crimes and that the end result of this line of actions of the perp was going to be more violence and potentially death in the future maybe of a police officer in the future.

Do people think that the perp picked the police’s taser on purpose knowing getting a gun was more serious? Or was it just happenstance he was able to get his taser not his gun and if he had gotten the gun we might have had 2 dead officers.

There is no good scenario, once the perp started resisting the arrest and fighting it was inevitably going to result in severe violence either then or soon down the road. The kids no longer had a father once he resisted arrest. He was going away for a while.

A cop approaches a car in an innocent situation they deal with a hundred times a week. Except this time the guy in the car knows if the cop talks to him he will go to jail and his life changes so he pulls a gun and kills the cop. It happens all the time.

The cops didn’t invent these stakes. They are simply the arms of our laws. They are human beings. The law says this person who is sitting in the car now is suddenly looking at years in prison. If they have a gun as they frequently do they will shoot the cop.

The family of the cop will be destroyed. A good person who on the whole spends his life helping people, saving our lives, putting their life at risk to do the things we codify into law is suddenly dead. It happens all the time. In fact it happens a lot more than police shoot unarmed people. Cops being murdered is climbing.

This year already 41 people were shot who were unarmed. 80 cops have been killed. 9 of the people killed unarmed were blacks. Now the Washington post which has these numbers has reclassified to 15 the number of blacks killed who are unarmed. 19 whites were killed unarmed. Twice as many cops are killed as unarmed individuals black or white.

Amazingly over the last 5 years or more the rate of people being killed unarmed has declined by 60%. However, the rate of cops being killed has accelerated by 100%.

Why does none of the media coverage look at the police’s position? Are we asking too much of police? Are we asking them to sacrifice their lives too often?

Would you do this job? Would you want to be in the situation of fighting with this kid? Do you want to be in these riot situations knowing that if you make a small mistake your life is over and you will be hounded to death by activists.

The cops are moving in on a crowd. They are told to clear the streets for curfew. One older gentleman stands even as you are telling people to withdraw. He refuses to move. You and your entire line of cops are moving forward.

You know if the line is broken people will use it to stream past you and the entire effort to clear the area will fail. The older person falls and hits his head as you push him away.

If you stop to help him the line will be broken and chaos may ensue. So you decide to keep marching.

For some reason people never seem to ask why did this person not move when asked by the police? He was trying to stop them from advancing their line. He failed. In the process he got hurt but that was the chance he was taking by trying to stop the police.

You takes your chances and you suffer the consequences but for cops that isn’t the case. They lose and get vilified because they did their job and executed the instructions we gave them to clear the area. One person gets injured. That’s not bad considering they were resisting the police.

If you resist the police you have to expect it might go badly.

If we expect police to save that guy the rules should have said: if somebody resists we won’t move. of course that means they wouldn’t clear the area but at least that is what they were told.

A cop has the responsibility to do his job and that means inevitable some people are going to get hurt. I have decided I’m not fighting with cops. I’m not trying to stop them. I will fight them in court or otherwise but in the instant of dealing with cops face to face i will do what they say and i highly recommend you do the same.

The result isn’t going to be good. No scenario where you fight the cops results in good results but the media pretend like it was nothing that he fought the cops and even worse stole one of their weapons. Even if like me you are white in such a scenario I expect I would be shot if I did what this perp did.

The media romanticizes fighting the cops

You don’t fight with cops. You don’t try to escape. You don’t ignore their orders.

We see it in movies all the time. Movies make it seem like it works but it is no joke. You are likely to get killed and the reason is because the cops have a right to assume you are as likely to kill them if you are willing to fight them. Frequently they do die.

Why is every cops murder or death not televised like Floyd? It happens more often to cops than to Floyd’s.

When the media makes it seem like it was no big deal that someone fought with cops or didn’t do what they say, they are deceiving the public. This is the truth that isn’t being mentioned even on FOX news. For some reason with all the mob hatred and screaming that mentioning the police’s position is not within the Overton window of proper discussion.

Once a person in an interaction with cops starts to argue or fight they are endangering their and the police’s lives. This is no joke because we live in such a violent society.

The rules of engagement have been arranged for cops so that it maximizes their safety and our safety. They tell you to put your hands on the dash or above your head not because they are asses. They do it because then they don’t know you don’t have a weapon and if they ask you to do this they don’t have to worry you might have one.

Therefore, it is critical that everyone in a confrontation with cops needs to do exactly what they ask because they are trained how to save your life and theirs.

If you think what they are asking is inappropriate you can discuss it with them but if you are not successful your alternative is to take it up with lawyers and the judge. Fortunately, if cops are too rough or mistaken then bodycam footage is now available much of the time. We should ask that it always be available.

In my opinion and to my knowledge as soon as you stop doing what the cop asks or resist then the situation can escalate to killing.

I expect that if I as a white person fought with cops, took one’s taser away, ran away and turn and try to taser one of them chasing me that I would be shot and possibly killed. This doesn’t have to do with being black. I would assume that if I did that they would shoot me.

If you fight with cops or don’t follow their instructions they have to wonder if this is the day their kids and family go without their father or mother. We will never hire anyone as a cop if the death rate climbs too high. We already ask them to take these jobs at low pay even though the risk of death is not trivial.

I assume that if I don’t do what the cop asks I am running a significant chance the cop thinks I am going to kill them. We assume since we aren’t killers that the cop knows this. They don’t. An innocent interaction as simple as stopping someone for a light out on their car could turn into a shootout and cops dead. It happens all the time.

This also creates the impression that fighting cops is okay

The media is not mentioning at all that what the person in Atlanta did and what many perps do is wrong. They make it seem that if you fight a cop or cops, that if you steal their weapon, that if you run that is par for the course.

I predict if nobody tells people this is wrong lots of people will assume now that it is perfectly okay to try and escape and fight cops. There will be a massive increase in number of violent interactions and interactions that leads to unfortunate results for cops and people.

This is what the mob is doing. By not presenting the other side, by not explaining the true rules and behaviors expected they are encouraging people to think that it is okay to fight or try to escape.

That will lead to massive increase in more serious crimes and situations.

Vilifying cops will have no rainbow ending

You have to wonder how long cops will put up with them being turned into villains.

In my opinion the cop shouldn’t have been fired. In my understanding the cop had it within his rights to shoot the fleeing suspect. I would have expected him to shoot me a white older male.

I believe if this went to trial and the rules and circumstances were explained to a jury they would not convict the cop of anything.

If the perp escaped it would have given many perps the idea that it is worth trying to escape. Further just think through what happens after the escape. A criminal who is now being a fugitive is going to commit more violence before being caught.

Advocates for the perp on CNN and even FOX are saying that the cops knew that a taser is not deadly. They knew the perps home address.

This person was willing to fight with cops. If he escaped he would fight with cops again. He might use deadly force at home trying to resist arrest. Who knows what’s on his record. Nobody is saying. They talk about his 3 kids and family but why was he resisting arrest then?

If he had gone in with them peacefully with only a 0.108 he might have gotten a misdemeanor charge if it was his first offense. He might be out in hours. He could argue that he was going to have a friend pick him up or something. That would all happen months later. In the current environment he might get off without any charge. Who knows. He wouldn’t have died.

He decided to run. The cop could have tried to shoot him in the leg but a friend pointed out that shooting a fleeing person in the leg is really hard. They could have let him go and put at risk a lot of people in the future.

Once he is escaped he knows he will be chased. He will get a weapon. He will commit more crimes. He will eventually face cops and in some other violent scenario. There is no happy ending. Once he fought the cops and fled he was saying goodbye to his family and his future life with them. He did that not the cops.

None of this is reasonable. This is the problem with the left’s arguments. They argue insane things that don’t consider reality. Instead they turn to emotion and victimization that they have prepared according to their ideas of who is the victim.

The thing is this isn’t a left or right argument. This is a me or you issue. It is a what is a crime and not and what should police do. It has nothing to do with republicans and democrats but the left is trying to paint this as some us/them issue and blaming trump because they have an election and they will do anything to try and win.

They will turn anything into politics to try and win. They don’t care what the truth is. They don’t want to look at the sides of the issue. They want to turn it into cops bad.

What is their solution? Biden says “does anyone thinks this is the best we can be?” The liberals talk about recreating the police in grandiose terms. What are those terms exactly?

They are trying to deflect reality by imagining a life where all people are perfect, where no violence occurs and kumbaya reigns. Except that is not a solution. If you destroy and demoralize the only police we have the crud will rise and crime will soar.

The new police will have to do roughly what the existing cops do. These are real situations, real laws. There is no high words and magical never never land that we haven’t thought up before. People have thought about this forever.

Okay, maybe if someone calls about my child isn’t breathing well they send in someone other than cops with the EMT folks. Big deal. How is that going to change anything? How will eliminating chokeholds do anything? This guy in Atlanta was shot not choked. Turns out choking isn’t a big deal.

They talk about generalities and some new nirvana. So if you have a new way of doing it let us know. If it is no chokeholds go F yourself. That’s not a new world. If it’s let the perps go that is anarchy. F you. I don’t want anarchy nobody does.

The left is talking sweet language. It’s just a street fair in Seattle. When someone gets raped what are they going to do? When someone pulls out a gun and wants to steal the money the chaz government has who will stop him? When someone doesn’t want to be arrested are they going to let them flee? How does it work in Lala land?

If we don’t stop doing this we are going to lose cops even without defunding the police

Who would do this job? They are vilified daily. Who would work in a job where everybody ostensibly hates you?

A job where if you do your job you get called a crud and if you make one mistake your life is over. A job where you get paid about double the minimum wage.

A job where you go to save lives and help people and everyone thinks you are a racist and a crook and bully.

Why the cops are still doing their job I don’t know. If I were them I already would be on strike. I am sure if this continues and people don’t start defending them they will leave the job en masse.

When we don’t have cops we know what will happen. The anarchists must be happy as a fiddle. The economy could be crushed by this. This is mad max. This is the way the world ends.

CNN spins up the hate as usual by presenting only one side. Whatever the mob wants. They then only echo the mob. They will never present the other side. In this case, the cops side. Just as they never present the other side of global warming or of Russia collusion.

CNN is pure deceit. I know they say Trump lies but consider the reliability of someone lies constantly accusing others of lying. They have lied for 4 years constantly and they accuse Trump of lying? Who do they think still believes anything they say. Nobody. Trust in the media is 10%.

Today all they do is amplify the insanity of the mob. They don’t inform. They just increase the emotion and hate. These are the arms of the mob to destroy our society. CNN and msnbc needs to go bye bye.