Chuck Schumer told us that we have a deep state to fear in America and that they really are a 4rth arm of government that is immune and has the ability to take you out one way or another.

This week we see this in action.

Russia collusion – Act I

The whistleblower is a CIA agent with close ties to democrats. Is this not exactly what Schumer told us?

The amazing thing is that instead of creating some incredible brilliant plan of the CIA like in a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE story we are left with the pathetic excuses of what John Brennan did in the effort to frame Trump with framed up evidence of Papadapoulis or Carter Page working with Russians.

These spies failed miserably. However to be honest they used Italian spies and British and Australian and Ukrainian spies. In the US they used a few who did just as bad like the guy who tried to frame Roger Stone who said he had Russian information on Hillary he would sell to Stone or Trump for $2 million.

Turns out he was a 17 year veteran for the FBI who was a Russian pretending to be a Russian spy.

In other words during 2016 the Obama administration was obsessed with using spies not to save us from Russians taking over Ukraine or protecting us from ISIS. They were concerned with Donald Trump, framing him and trying to take him out.

At first it was shocking to learn that the FBI was using spies. Now we see they had half a dozen in the US alone, a purported special CIA task force to get Trump.

Who knows how Donald Trump has survived. The sheer incompetence of these people is stunning. They couldn’t get Page or Papa to make a simple phone call to Russians to ask for dirt so they could go to the FBI and tell them Trump colluded.

They failed.

So this is now morphed into John Brennan and the deep states second attempt to take out President Trump.

They had used CIA people in Ukraine not surprising. Eric Ciamarella apparently worked close to Biden. Eric has 200 passes to the White House in 2016. He was clearly working with Alexander Chalupa who also practically lived at the White House when not in ukraine. She has 27 passes to the White House in 2016.

Ukraine was the center because this is where Steele got much of his material manufactured apparently from corrupt Russians and Ukrainians.

When Donald Trump talks to Ukraine alarm bells go off in the CIA. This is where they were doing their dirty shit apparently. The last thing they can afford is Ukraine explaining to Trump and the world it wasn’t Russia collusion affecting the election but our CIA working with corrupt Ukrainians to create the elaborate hoax of the Russia collusion to harm Trump.

Chalupa was working to frame Trump along with Nellie Ohr, wife of FBI agent Bruce Ohr. Richard Steele British secret agent, Glenn Simpson ( CEO of Fusion GPS), Alexander Downer ( Australian secret agent ) and Eric Ciamerella US CIA.

This ragtag group of misfit secret agents conspired to get Trump.

Now we see the CIA has pulled in the second string. Even more incompetent. Fiona Hill, Eric Ciamerella ( Again) and Bill Taylor …

This gaggle was all involved in the original scheme but are new actors for what we can see. It may be that Barr will find something by talking to these “witnesses” to the phone call who have spent their last 3 years subverting the President, spying on him and planning to take him out in a coup.

Ukraine Act II

The deep state Obama holdovers and John Brennan deep staters have more fealty to the DNC than the constitution.

They have been working since 2016 exclusively on framing Donald Trump and his team with Russian collusion delusion in Act I and now Act II.

Knowing that their activities are coming apart as Barr has gone to Italy Britain and Australia to track down the elaborate task force constructed by Brennan and find the truth these gaggle of deep staters who all face some king of conspiracy charges undoubtedly.

We may find these new names showing up in the indictments Barr’s team is coming up with.

They realize the hammer is coming down and they are seeking to remove Trump which then will allow them to remove Barr and hopefully end this before they end up behind bars themselves.

So they were listening for Trump’s call to Ukraine and panicked when they saw Barr and Trump were closing in on them.

This reminds me of the Trump Tower meeting. Planned well in advance with actors everywhere and the whole thing set up by the CIA working with Fusion GPS.

Trump tower you recall was planned months in advance. A Russian “agent” lawyer was recruited, visa obtained, the lure of a supposed friend suggesting a meeting to DT jr the target.

The Russian briefed and setup the night before and then the meeting. Handed the “russian intelligence to hurt Hillary” that Fusion had fabricated.

As poorly executed as the Mueller testimony the Russian lawyer apparently made a poor case as a spy with Hillary dirt. DT jr threw the paper on the desk and said it was nothing and stormed out making the excuse he has other things after 20 minutes. He never used the info from the elaborately planned sting.

All those weeks and months of planning. All the effort to get DT jr and all they had was the meeting itself. Oh well they used what they could. Just like with Papa and Page in the end all they could do was allege meetings they set up were evidence of “concern.”

So, now somebody insisted that Trump meet with Ukraine leader. Trump didn’t want to but they insisted so he relented.

He had 2 calls with Ukraine leader. Apparently the first one wasn’t good enough for them.

Knowing that these calls are secrets and that Trump would undoubtedly claim executive privilege and they could accuse the President of extorting Ukraine on the call.

Eric Ciamerella worked with CIA to change the rules maybe with Adam schiff head of house intelligence committee and coplanner in chief undoubtedly.

Schiff wrote his speech to frame Trump and the call.

The President would deny and not release the Transcript just like in watergate. For the democrats the stage was set for Donald Trump to repeat Nixon.

They had the deep throat. Eric Ciamerella.

The problem is that instead of denying and erasing the 18 minute tape. Donald Trump released the transcript verbatim unredacted.

Donald Trump wasn’t playing the Nixon part. This has to confuse the Democrats who had already written the carefully crafted whistleblower document, the schiff speech and had the actors to claim Trump said what they had written. Bill Taylor, worked for George Soros organization ANTIAC in Ukraine. Vindman a liberal pawn, Fiona Hill deep state also Soros linked.

They made some mistakes. If this CIA effort is a reflection of the quality of our CIA we have some work to do.

First off the fact that everyone is a DNC Soros linked shows how weak their cabal is. Why couldn’t they have picked someone they could portray as a Trumpian Republicans loyalist gone rogue? Instead like with the Mueller team they pick an ensemble of Democrat wackos who get triggered by Trump and expose themselves.

This is Brennan and Clappers problem and Trumps genius. He triggers lefties and forces them to expose themselves. Brennan especially is a moron who gets triggered and can’t stop himself from showing his blatant bias and hate.

This I think is a big part of Trumps success that people don’t understand. When he says things the way he does he causes the minds of these deep staters who are trying to pretend to be unbiased and straight FBI, CIA or other employees and he makes them start to gurgle and spout and display their bias.

They don’t even realize it. They are so unreflective like Schiff and Comey that they say things that transparently show they are liars and hate Donald Trump. Thus allowing him to uncover them and remove them.

It’s slow and hard work but Trump is exposing and triggering these deep staters and making them come out. They can’t seem to help themselves.

So, this ragtag collection of witnesses are all transparently Trump haters. They have nothing but their own opinions to use as science. Trump gave us the facts.

The aid was delivered weeks before the call we now know by John Bolton. The transcript shows there was no blusterous demand for dirt on Biden.

In the process the deep staters have committed crimes. Schiff may have committed some ethical violations that may yet get him in trouble once the dominoes start to fall on act I.

Maria the US ambassador who handed letsenko the “do not prosecute” orders and denied him visas to the US was caught in a lie while testifying.

Vindman has destroyed his career by being insubordinate to the commander and chief telling Ukraine to disregard the Presidents requests.

Eric is undoubtedly going to find his career cut short because when he filed the whistle blower complaint he failed to tick the boxes of who he had met with before filing the complaint which is a felony.

This is going to be a disaster for democrats again because we know all these people are Trump haters and are utterly biased. Most have already lied or committed crimes in this process to prove their bias and hatred for Trump. None of them matches the facts and testimony revealed by Trump.

There was no withholding of aid ultimately. There was no demand for an investigation of Biden for dirt. There was only the request to cooperate with legitimate investigations and concerns of the American people. No investigation of dirt is going to happen because Trump doesn’t want dirt. He wants to know the truth of what happened in Ukraine what Democrats did.