Trump is a traitor.

We’re going to impeach the crook.

He’s a dictator.

He’s a racist.

He’s a white supremacist.

Trump has plans to kill all blacks in the US.

Trump is going to kill hispanics in the US.

Anybody even talking to Trump is considered an enemy and shot by the liberal media and DNC operating committees.

So, when Pelosi complains that she didn’t get respect it is kind of laughable. They daily treat Trump like he’s not President. They tweet 12,000 times to have him and his family killed.

The Democrats don’t know what the word respect means. They have degraded discourse so badly that nobody can talk to anybody without fear that a mad insane democrat incited by a hating social media will pull out a gun and shoot you, punch you, throw liquid cement on you, beat you with bats or boycott you, criticize you mercilessly and accuse you of everything evil they can imagine.

The Democrats have created an atmosphere of hate and disrespect that is toxic to America. It is NOT Donald Trump that has done this. It is Democrats.

They should be apologizing for accusing the President of so many crimes and things that have all turned out false. Any normal person would apologize after you have made such attacks that turn out to be all false. Democrats don’t. They ignore the hate they spew and spew more accusations and hate everyday because apparently that’s all they know how to do.

They certainly don’t know how to solve our problems or even what our problems are. They think our problems are we don’t have enough state control and our taxes are too low and we don’t have enough illegal immigrants.