There were a number of spies utilized by Brennan and Clapper as part of their plan to take out Trump.

The two mentioned in the Mueller report the most are Halper and Mifsud.

The Mueller report says these 2 people were Soviet or Soviet connected people who worked with Page and Papadapoulis to contact Russians. Mifsud gets special mention as a nefarious agent that Papadapoulis and Page worked with.

Unlike the other people these people who were the only Russian connected ones to have any actual contact with the Trump campaign were never indicted in spite of the fact they said they had dirt on Hillary Clinton and were trying to pass it on or help pass it on to Trump associates.

When Mueller was asked why he didn’t indict Mifsud for instance, he kept pushing away the question saying it was an intelligence matter he couldn’t talk about.

It turns out that we know the DOJ gave both Halper and Mifsud phones to use when conducting their business against Trump.

For the last several years Democrats have said these people are Russians or Russian connected and alleged they were evidence Trump was talking to Russians. Turns out they were American contracted spies used to try and frame Trump.

These people didn’t just ask if Page and Papadapoulis were connected to Russians. They actively pushed them to meet and tried to get them to collude with Russians.

In fact they justified their own existence by planting the information about Russian emails which Papa and Page didn’t even know about. Then recorded a conversation replaying what the spies had told them to use as evidence to justify the FISA warrants and to open the FBI investigation that Strozek used to “get Trump.”

In other words Halper and Mifsud were not “Russia connected” bad guys who were working with Page and Papadapoulis. They are what we have known for 2 years to be spies for western intelligence loaned to the CIA apparently to conduct frame ups against the Trump campaign and lure Papadapoulis or Page into anything that could look like they were “working with Russians.”

Mifsud and Halper both entreated Papadapoulis to call the Soviets they had told them would be knowledgeable and have anti-Hillary junk. They introduced him to a “niece of Putin” who wasn’t and tried to get him to ask her for help with Putin or something.

We know there were other spies that the DOJ worked with Fusion GPS to plant to try and get Trump campaign officials to do what the Democrats had been alleging happened for more than a year earlier. They just needed some proof they could wave in front of the American people that Trump indeed was talking to Russians.

They enlisted Henry Greenburg , aka Dmitry Olynsky, a former Russian who had worked for the FBI for nearly 20 years to present to have Hillary “stuff.”

They used Natalia Veletniskaya a former Russian agent from Germany and arranged a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. Fusion GPS knew this Russian and had worked with her (unlike Trump or his campaign.). Fusion GPS engaged someone who knew an entertainer friend of DT Jr and had him write a letter to DT Jr begging him to meet with Ms VeletNiskaya.

They had AG Lynch under Obama get Natalia a special “AG approved visa” since she was a former Russian agent and couldn’t get into the US otherwise. They flew her in and briefed her the night before over dinner. Fusion GPS handed her the Hillary “damaging” info to get Trump Jr with because she said she didn’t know anything about Hillary or Putin.

The meeting with Trump Jr happened with Fusion GPS people in. It lasted 20 minutes and DT Jr stormed out saying this was pointless meeting and the info was garbage leaving it on the table. He never used it.

Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS met again with the Russian lawyer spy and debriefed that night.

The Mueller report doesn’t mention that all these people that they accuse Trump’s team meeting with were actually US agents or working for the US government paid in some cases nearly a million dollars for this work to get Trump.

We now are aware that the agents were given DOJ phones to communicate with their handlers in the DOJ to plan the attacks and frame ups against the Trump campaign. Tom Fitton has asked for the transcripts of any messages or phone calls of those phones.

The Mueller report was written by a damaged FBI. An FBI and CIA and DOJ who were partisan biased. They wanted to stop Trump. They would do practically anything to stop him. This is the reason that virtually all these people were fired, demoted or left the FBI or DOJ.

New IG reports, indictments will be coming out and will implicate CIA and NSA people responsible for the FISA program. Literally hundreds of felony violations of privacy of US citizens were violated as the Obama, Hillary team tried to use the intelligence services and FBI/DOJ to get Trump.

This was easily the greatest crime against American Democracy in our 250 year history. The FBI, DOJ, CIA and NSA compromised and turned into Democrat agencies like CNN and MSNBC working to overturn the will of the people in the 2016 election.

The FBI and DOJ are disgraced. Soon we will be finding the CIA and NSA were corrupted too and filled with partisans who have destroyed the reputations of these agencies which used to be at the top of the world in respect but now verge on third world Turkey like level.

The Mueller report is hopefully the last partisan piece of shit that comes from the FBI. I believe that AG Barr is a straight shooter and will restore these agencies to the high standards we have expected for the life of these agencies prior to 2016.

We are lucky that Papadapoulis and Page never took the bait of all these western spies. If they had then Trump would have been accused and evidence would be shown that Papa or Page were working with Russians and Trump might have lost.

If Trump lost we would never know that our agencies were corrupted and the Democrats could have continued to load up these agencies with partisan actors and to attack other Republicans. We would become Turkey or Haiti overnight. US Democracy would have been on the tightrope.

Somehow Trump won in spite of these games. In spite of the attacks by media, in spite of the fact Hillary had 5 times as much money to spend. In spite of the corrupted polls, the fact that Google was trying to spin millions of voters away from Trump.

Consider how much Trump would have won by if the media and all these forces corrupting our Democracy had not done all that.

I wish Pelosi would impeach Trump. I want every American to find out what the Democrats did in 2016. I want the impeachment hearings so as Barr and Huber and Horowitz release the information on what happened these people like Mifsud will be brought before Committer and the filter bubbles of the left will be required to show their viewers the corruption right in their faces that they facilitate.

The Democrats have worked for 3 years to demonize Donald Trump. That’s all they’ve done. That behavior cannot be rewarded. It must all come out. Trump must declassify everything. The Democrats ran this operation against Trump as an intelligence operation to keep it secret from the American people. It must all come out.