Over the last 3 years the United States has been beset by a massive attack by globalists and social media.

We also have been best by an educational system that has refused to educate people on the constitution so that people don’t understand what free speech means or why we have it.

We have a media that has totally lost the respect of the people and lost its sense of journalism.

We have had to relearn why the protections of defendants with due process is important.

We have had to relearn why the founders designed the constitution as a republic not a pure democracy.

We have relearned how no amount of fake news, propaganda and lies by people attempting to convince us to give up our rights can deceive people.

We’ve been re-educated why the constitution prohibits politicians and officials from receiving foreign donations.

We’ve had to relearn why we have free speech.

We’ve had to learn how corrupt some of our organizations have become and how our system figured this out.

We’ve learned how in spite of massive campaigns of disinformation the people can surprise almost everyone.

The last year has immensely raised my already very high appreciation for our constitution.

As I have written elsewhere the only possible explanation of American exceptionalism or dominance is our constitution. No other explanation of racism or natural resources or plundering others or whatever can explain it.

I was on a trip to Boston and took an Uber in the last week.

In the car the driver was listening to French. I asked what it was about. He is Haitian and there is a crisis in Haiti now.

Our news organizations are so busy telling us about false narratives we no longer have time to actually read about the rest of the world. I didn’t know this.

The leader of Haiti which is presumably a democratic country is corrupt. This is extremely common.

Many years ago a lot of us believed the answer to the third world’s problems was Democracy. In fact, Democracy has been less than a panacea for the third world.

There has been improvement but at least half the world is under Democracy but still utterly corrupt and unable to provide hope to their people.

In the 80s there was a great push to Democracy. As communism fell we saw the Soviet Union break apart and become Democratic. We saw many countries put in Democracy.

Like in Haiti the changes were less than incredible. Some nations have backtracked and become dictatorships. Frequently corruption ovetakes.

You have to understand how powerful the forces of the rich and the powerful are. America was incredibly blessed that our leaders grew during a period of profound belief in Democracy. The 1700s were a renaissance in philosophy of freedom.

We were lucky to grow during this period. George Washington could easily have been king of America for life. He chose not to. The same is probably true for many of the early leaders who could have crushed our early start.

They didn’t. That is why I consider them heroes among other things. Most countries aren’t fortunate to have leaders who will willingly give up power and if they do they are still corrupt and the system becomes a plaything for the powerful.

Obviously the powerful wield great wealth and they can threaten. To resist this leaders have to be amazing but it also requires those in power accede to the liberty.

Most of all I believe the founding document needs to be like the US constitution.

We don’t know precisely why the US has been so resistant to this disease of the third world and most of the world.

You need to remember that even Europe broke into war that nearly destroyed the world 2 times in the last century. They didn’t have democracy everywhere and they haven’t been free of corruption for that long.

Most of Europe is much poorer than the US. The average income in Portugal for instance is $8,000/capita or 1/8th the US. With high taxes it has been said that poor in America are richer than middle class in Europe.

In any case, this article is not about Europe. It is about the rest of the world.

So, some 100 countries of the world are not much different than the Haiti my taxi driver was telling me about.

The story of Ukraine is so familiar. The US gave $7 billion to Ukraine. They lost half the money somehow. Lost it. What? How?

Corruption is rampant. They go from one leader to the next with charges of corruption. Our state department looks to be a mafia doling out corruption to the third world unfortunately. We are complicit.

But it isn’t the only reason.

The Haitian in the Uber said that he saw 2 things he wanted done.

1) That corruption trials be held in the US not in Haiti.

He was concerned that in Haiti these things never result in justice. The rich payoff to a judge and get the ruling they want.

He felt that in the US such things don’t happen.

I appreciate his faith in our justice system. I hope it is still the best in the world.

2) That Haitians be required maybe after they commit some crime to take care of dog or cat. If they can’t they will be returned to jail.

This undoubtedly reflects his concern that Haitians don’t operate responsibly. He said that people who can take care of animals can take care of other people and are more productive and self-standing. He felt this was a problem in Haiti.

I have never heard either of these ideas and thought he had some really interesting ideas.