At the minimum what you have is President Trump asking Ukraine to investigate two matters of central interest to US taxpayers. What happened to the $3 billion in lost money and is the DNC server really attacked by Russian virus as originally thought.

Some Republicans like Tucker Carlson who I generally agree with have said that what Trump did was bad but not impeachable. I don’t at all agree with Tucker on this. I want Ukraine to investigate these because I personally don’t believe these things have been adequately examined. We are finding much of what we were told about Trump was wrong.

What Tucker seems to forget is that we lost $3 billion in Ukraine.

Our money disappeared. 3 billion dollars.

Now maybe for Tucker or Democrats or some Republicans $3 billion is pocket change we still don’t know what happened to our $3 billion dollars.

Did it go to Putin? Democrat stooges? Other Ukrainians? Who?

Also the server at the center of the entire “attack on the US” by the Russians has disappeared. The Democrats never turned it over to the CIA or FBI for analysis but gave it to their company CrowdStrike with strong Ukrainian connections. Does CrowdStrike still have the server? Is it in Ukraine?

Maybe Tucker doesn’t care but I think he does care about corruption and he has been one of the most vocal about concerns that the CIA’s abdication of responsibility on the server is suspicious.

One of the serious attacks on the server was attacked by a virus from Russia is that the data was found to have been downloaded at a speed of 42 megabytes per second. Such a speed is not possible over any telecommunications device. It can only be done by a memory card inserted into the server directly by a person. This is true based on the time stamps on the data that has been released by Wikileaks. These time stamps are on the origination of the files not on any copy made after. If nothing else it puts into question the analysis done by Crowdstrike a Democratic aligned firm that the DNC used to tell the CIA and FBI what happened.

Conveniently or not Crowdstrike said the hack was of Russian origin and we know that the Democrats were thinking of attacking Trump with Russian influence. Why did the FBI not demand the server like they demanded the records of Cohen by breaking into his office or numerous other people that they went after that were Republicans?

With Hillary they issued a subpoena for emails and then her team deleted them with spy level erasure software insuring that no forensics could ever recover the originals after the subpoena had been issued. There was no FBI that went into her office and grabbed her server.

Hillary’s team was granted immunity. All 5 of them for any crime related to the deletion of the emails. How convenient. I don’t remember any Republicans getting immunity for such behavior even if they had. Trump never deleted anything. However, the IRS, an agency responsible for tracking documents if nothing else lost many records related to their unwarranted audits of Republicans. Strozek and Page’s text messages were destroyed some permanently by Mueller. No issue with that.

Tucker should be one of the ones like me demanding the President find out what happened to the $3 billion and coincidentally could you explain again why Biden’s son was paid $8 million by Barisma during the time Barisma lost the $1.8 billion we had given them for some reason.

Oh and why again was it that we gave ( not lent) a profitable gas company that could afford to pay a crack addicted son of our Vice President 8 million dollars that lost $1.8 billion of our money? To build a gas plant to help Ukraine be independent of Russia? Did it work?

Nothing the president said or did in that Ukraine President meeting was wrong. It is literally a “perfect” meeting as President Trump has called it. The only thing wrong about it was that it like 2 other meetings of the President with foreign leaders has been leaked or released when they shouldn’t have to.

There was nothing bad.

Asking for an investigation isn’t bad. democrats should know that. Obama asked for them constantly on republicans and trump especially. He had thousands of republicans tax returns audited for no reason.

We now know from Clapper who said everything they did to investigate Trump was demanded by President Obama. We know President Obama asked for Ukraine to find dirt on Manafort which they produced a “black ledger” for Obama of Manafort that got him fired.

So asking for investigations just to get dirt and distract is modus operandi for Democrats. In fact it’s all they seem to do is call for investigations in other countries or here. They are obsessed with investigations of Republicans to try and regain power and have no time for any other business of the country.

But an investigation isn’t always about getting dirt. Sometimes it might be about legitimate things like America wants it’s 3 billion back and our server.

Biden might be exonerated in an investigation as Trump was. So all investigations aren’t bad or result in dirt. The Mueller one was bad. We don’t need to spend $50 million dollars and 2 years to find the money trail of this lost money.

Unlike the fake investigation Mueller which was a pure dirt hunt and political hit job on President Trump driven by a meme fabricated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and Ukraine fabricated shit, America did lose $3 billion in Ukraine to graft. Biden’s son did get paid $8 million, $3 million of which was laundered through 3 countries before hitting the Biden checking account.

Ukraine shouldn’t get any more money until they tell us what the fuck happened to our $3 billion. Trump has every right and should withhold all aid.

You give someone $1000 and they come back and say

A:can I have $1000.

B: What happened to the last $1000?

A: It dissapeared. Sorry. Can I have the money?

B: Did you look for the money?

A: Uh no. I was told not to look for it.

B: What?

A: Can I have the $1000?

What’s your answer? Mine is No.

The only reason democrats are so scared of this investigation is that they know they are guilty. Transparently guilty of arranging the gift and then somehow our Vice President threatens them with withholding a $1 billion in aid if they don’t fire in 6 hours the guy investigating Burisma and his son.

That’s why it’s impeachable to ask for this investigation.

In 2016 Obama’s ambassador to Ukraine Mary something or other told the new Ukrainian prosecutor who also wanted to look into the Burisma loss of billions that doing so was off limits.

Mary something told the prosecutor he couldn’t come to America with his team and tell us about the corrupt things going on in his country. She denied him visas. She handed him the list of protected people who he was not allowed to investigate.

Is this normal procedure in other countries? Do our ambassadors hand lists of non-prosecutable people to other governments? Do they ever demand a prosecutor be fired in 6 hours or we will not give you $1 billion in more aid?

Something is damn fishy here. Donald Trump is not it. Donald Trump is the hero not the guilty one. That’s obvious so it’s also obvious who is guilty and who is trying to protect their ass at all costs.

What’s amazing is that Democrats protest and protect their criminals at all costs. Nothing they say or do can be trusted anymore because they won’t be honest with us about things like this.

Until they learn that doing stuff like this you will lose they will continue to do it.