Our intelligence and justice oversight committees are unlike other policy committees.

These committees are responsible for our collective defense. They have the power to subvert our democracy if they become political. It happens in countries all the time.

It’s a classic story replayed many many times. Poor country’s leader fabricates stuff about opponent, using justice or intelligence of military forces potential candidates are silenced, discredited wrongly or jailed and the country loses its democracy.

If our justice or intelligence organizations become politicized then half the job of a POTUS will become fighting his own government. They have the weapons too.

Loss of trust in Intelligence and Justice is incredibly damaging to our republic

Loss of Trust in our intelligence and justice organizations is possibly the most damaging thing happening that Democrats have done since the attack on the President with false charges and attempted coup.

The FBI was the most trusted organization for a reason. It had to be. If people doubted that the FBI was a straight shooter and justice was not the most factual unbiased investigations possible then the people would lose faith in the country and its fairness.

This is the real damage that these 16 people at the DOJ and FBI who have been fired, demoted, censured or left the agency have done. They have destroyed the reputation of the FBI and DOJ as fair arbiters of facts and justice. They have let their political biases cause them to do insane things that have made people doubt our system isn’t rigged.

Democrats will say no. They acted fine. But that’s not good enough. If Republicans feel it has been grossly unfair and there is the appearance of unfairness then it is damaging.

The FBI knows this. The rank and file of the FBI follow these rules and understand what the 16 deviants did that brought such disrepute. It is those 16 who don’t understand the damage they have done.

When Strozek is screaming declarations of non-bias even though we see the texts he’s written he is violating one of the most sacred aspects of his training. You can’t even have the appearance of bias. There are enough FBI people that he could have handed his responsibility off to someone not as political.

He either didn’t see it or is playing a game on us. When McCabe takes $700,000 from Hillary Clinton for his wife’s campaign nobody believes he has the appearance of being unbiased. Everybody will assume he’s biased.

It seems clear to me these people are playing us for fools arguing that they weren’t biased while everything they did came out on one side. People see it and part of their job is to admit to when they might look biased and recuse. That should be considered a good thing to do.

These people have destroyed our faith in these institutions at a high level and people are continuing to lose faith as they see that the Democrats and these corrupt people don’t recognize their clear bias.

When Biden seems to think we won’t notice his son is making millions only because his father is Vice President and Biden can’t admit there is the appearance of selling out the country that is evidence they don’t care what the average person thinks. They are playing us.

What happens if other leaders can’t be sure that talking to the President is confidential. Democrat leakers have let slip 2 previous conversations and now Trump released a third. Any foreign leader from now on has to assume whether it is republican or democrat they are talking to that the conversation will be leaked. How can the president negotiate for hard things like Iran again?

It’s incredibly pernicious attack on our democracy to politicize these agencies. What if Trump can’t trust that the CIA isn’t working against him? Democrat leaders implied that the President needed to be worried that the CIA would attack him. We don’t live in a 3rd world basket case of a country. If we don’t have CIA personnel who understand that they need to give the President their loyalty regardless of their political views then we are screwed.

The President will be fighting against our own country. How will we succeed against our enemies if our President has to fight his own government performing secret actions and undermining him defeating what the people voted for.

That’s not America and it will kill Democrats as much as Republicans. This is a serious matter when these organizations are politicized.

Whistleblowing is a good thing. However, the use of anonymous whistleblowers making anonymous hearsay claims is not a good thing. People have to trust our system is going to protect them and be willing to share their name and what they believe happened.

If they don’t then they don’t believe enough that something wrong happened. Otherwise you would be proud to come out and you know that people would defend you.

There is also the obvious involvement of Schiff who is a total partisan who lied about knowing about the whistleblower. The “amazing” coincidence that there is a second whistleblower like this thing has been staged months in advance as an attack strategy.

These things lead to the loss of faith that Trump or future Presidents can trust their own CIA which means they will make decisions without intelligence or disregarding intelligence because they don’t believe it. They will exclude people from meetings just to avoid leaking.

We are seeing Democrats in their hateful partisanship being drawn out and triggered by President Trump exposing a deep cancer in our agencies crucial to our future stability and safety.

These things are killing our Democracy and our country.

This is another avenue to destruction of Democracy played out in country after country.

While we expect politicians are going to be partisan but when they are running these committees they are working for all Americans and our security as well as establishing trust that our judicial system is fair. We have to select members who show more balance and lack of partisanship.

If these organizations or their oversight becomes political no future president can be sure he won’t he removed in a coup attempt like the Democrats tried to pull on #45.

Schiff must go. He is not honest and he is partisan bringing disrepute and distrust to these crucial organizations.

I first heard of Mr Schiff during the intelligence committee when Rep Devin Nunes was sent to an ethics committee by Adam Schiff who at that time was ranking member for the minority.

On a baseless allegation that Nunes had overstepped his bounds as Chairman of the committee by going to the White House to look at uncoverings that the Obama admin had done and coming back and pointing out those uncoverings suggested malfeasance they got him temporarily off the committee setting the investigation of the greatest crime in our democracy back by 6 months.

Devin Nunes spent 6 months in ethics committee getting his alleged violation completely cleared. He comes back to the committee. He continues bringing the material before the house committee and interviewing people until finally they are ready to issue a memo.

Schiff and the Democrats immediately said the memo could not be released because it contained sensitive information on people and methods. Nunes and the Republicans were able to get the memo out.

The memo contained no methods or people and Schiff knew this. They had access to the memo. They knew what was in it. This was the first bald-faced lie I knew of shifty Schiff making that showed blatant partisanship.

During this committee proceedings shifty Schiff told us he had the goods on Donald Trump. Evidence of his working with Russians was already apparent. Everybody asked what it was because nobody else could find it.

For 2 years going on 3 the claim was that there was no doubt that Trump must have colluded with Russians. Shifty Schiff was undoubtedly a part of why this insanity lasted as long as it did. Everybody asked him what it was. He kept saying for 2 years he had it.

He didn’t. He lied to attack the President.

Even as Nunes uncovered that the FISA warrant against Carter Page was based entirely on Democrat produced content paid for with DNC money and using Democrat operatives and smear artists shifty Schiff kept obstructing the committee and doing everything they could to slow down the work and hide everything they could operating to slow down the investigation in a partisan way which was uncovering a massive crime against our Democracy.

A crime which Democrats ignore like it doesn’t exist. They literally don’t talk about it just like they avoid talking about Biden’s son. We saw 16 partisans in the FBI and CIA fired and demoted. Some will be indicted soon. Our security and justice agencies can’t be partisan and the agencies that oversee them can’t be partisan either.

This is how corruption in other countries becomes a problem that can destroy a democracy. If the security and justice services become partisan then we are in deep trouble folks.

At one point shifty Schiff gets a phone call from a Russian radio station playing a prank. Olga Busava they claimed had slept with Trump and had pictures of naked Trump. Shifty Schiff paying no heed to the idea that they were accusing Trump of doing exactly what he was doing sent his secretary to make the pickup of the naked Trump pics.

This put the entire incident in comic relief. Everything the Democrats said was impeachable Adam Schiff did in 30 seconds. He colluded with Russians to get information to harm a candidate to public office.

Uncovered by the house committee and others is that the FBI was using the Hillary funded material exclusively to justify an intelligence investigation of Trump and his team. Easily the biggest crime against Democracy and a million times worse than anything the Democrats accuse Russia of doing. This is our own intelligence and security services trying to frame and spying on the Trump campaign not likes on Facebook messages.

The hypocrisy like with all Democrat delusions is completely lost on them. While we laugh at Schiff’s moronic lies and buffoonery obviously acting like a slave to the DNC doing their bidding.

He acts to save every Democrat he can regardless of guilt and getting every Republican regardless of their innocence. This is not remotely how the intelligence or DOJ oversight should work. These should be non-partisan like the agencies themselves.

Such behavior might be acceptable for Ilhan Omar who is a junior house member and doesn’t run serious committees like intelligence.

We have to understand the intelligence committee is responsible for oversight of our most important agencies of the secret service and responsible for the safety of all Americans. Corruption and partisanship will kill the trust in it.

Such double dealing, lying and corruption are not acceptable to head the intelligence committee. Maybe the finance committee but not the intelligence committee. We have to have unbiased leadership that people don’t believe intelligence is being compromised by politics.

Adam Schiff does the opposite. He defends every DOJ, FBI, CIA and NSA member who is a rabid partisan who have lied and committed ethical violations as long as they are on the Democrat side.

Why have an intelligence oversight if it is going to be so partisan?

The weakness of so many countries in the world is that their justice and secret service organizations become partisan and start to become corrupt. Adam Schiff is the poster child to destroy our CIA, NSA, DOJ and FBI. He has worked with the criminals who spent the last 2 years of their career trying to prevent one candidate from winning and then attempting a coup against a duly elected President of the US.

Thus destroying the reputation of the FBI and DOJ so far as partisan and corrupted at the top.

Would investigating Biden be a crime? Democrats didn’t think 2 seconds about the unprecedented action of investigating a presidential candidate of the opposition party. They constructed a team of incredibly partisan investigators who wanted Hillary to win 100,000,000 to 0. Who said they would stop Trump, who said they had an insurance policy, who tried to frame members of Trump’s team to accuse him of working with Russians.

Investigation if predicated on real evidence is perfectly acceptable. Investigation on hearsay and anonymous charges is not okay. The Steele dossier was never verified. It consisted of either outright lies and provably false information that a lower level FBI official found in 2 hours. It contained 3rd level hearsay. I heard from someone who heard from someone who heard from someone. You can’t start an intelligence investigation on that!

The difference with starting an investigation on a paper trail of checks through three countries for $3 million to the son of our Vice President and absolute threats of quid quo pro to stop investigating his son is completely different than fabricated information from people paid $9 million to make up stuff that is hearsay.

What about the Trump tower meeting? Isn’t that evidence of some interest in collusion by the Trump’s?

First, this was late in the campaign. If the Russians and Trump were colluding wouldn’t it have happened far before this meeting? We also know now that the meeting was coordinated and planned from beginning to end by Fusion GPS the same firm used to produce the hearsay dossier. DT Jr didn’t get Russian information. He got information from Fusion GPS to damage Hillary. In other words it was a scam and setup coordinated and orchestrated by Hillary and the FBI working together.

Comey was fired and is the worst FBI director in US history with 16 of his fellow DOJ workers at the top level fired, disgraced, demoted or left and some of whom may face indictments soon as Huber and Barr start that phase of the investigation.

Shifty Schiff has been lying every day in his job and distracting the committee with useless investigations of Trump but now he has taken the cake.

He started off a whistleblower meeting by relating a fabricated version of the Trump conversation with the Ukraine leader. In this rendition Trump was demanding immediately that the Ukrainian leader create dirt on Joe Biden. He threatened the Ukrainian leader with cutting off aid.

The truth of the matter is that Trump’s conversation with the Ukraine leader was 30 minutes. Less than 30 seconds of the meeting was spent with Trump asking him to work with the ongoing investigations of Bill Barr and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani. No quid pro quo is mentioned.

It turns out that the Ukraine President didn’t even know that aid had been delayed or was in Jeopardy. He says there was never any pressure. He says they want to look into it. After all it is billions in dollars lost they want back too.

Ukraine under the Obiden administration where Joe Biden ran our Ukraine involvement lost half of the money we sent them. All of $7 billion in aid was sent to Ukraine and they lost > $3 billion. How does a country lose $3 billion? I have no idea. I am completely confused by this. The amount is staggering. How could it be lost without bank records?

Nobody mentions this incredible fact. Why should we give Ukraine a penny more considering they lost half the money we sent to corruption? Where did this money go? US double dealers? To Biden’s son?

Why wouldn’t the American people want to know where the last $3 billion was lost before we give them a penny more.

Asking for an investigation doesn’t mean the investigation is to fabricate dirt. If Joe Biden or other corrupt activities occurred, if we can recover some of the > $3 billion in siphoned money isn’t this in the American taxpayers interest?

Why does nobody mention this?

Joe Biden was a terrible leader. If he wasn’t double-dealing and feeding his son millions to look aside while the gas company his son worked for got $1.8 billion in aid and then promptly lost $1 billion. Why would we trust him to run the US? Would his son be making billions again like with China? How can this NOT BE investigated? Are we crazy? Are Democrats so corrupt they don’t see the problem of this?

Why would the US pay for Ukraine to develop gas which is an extremely profitable businesses? Wouldn’t load guarantees be a better thing than an outright grant? Who is looking at how American taxpayer money is spent?

We are not done with Adam Schiff. We now know the congressman was well aware that the whistleblower was coming. It appears his staff may have helped write or advised the whistleblower.

Yet, the whistleblower didn’t mark on the whistleblower documents that he met with congress, a felony to misrepresent required information on the whistleblower complaint.

Adam Schiff didn’t say his staff had met and he knew about the content of the whistleblower’s complaint for a month prior to the rest of the committee.

This is a huge violation of ethics. So why can’t he be sent to the ethics committee? Who is tracking how these representatives work within their committees?

Now we hear there is a second whistleblower. What do you want to bet this one also talked to Schiff weeks ago and this whole thing was planned to make it look bad?

What they didn’t plan on was that Trump would release the transcript which makes these whistleblowers irrelevant.

What it also makes us wonder is if the CIA changed the rules on whistleblower in league with Schiff and to facilitate this guy / girl from coming out and attacking the President with hearsay again.

Does this mean the CIA is now loaded with partisans like the FBI was? Undoubtedly Brennan a major part in this scandal and responsible for all the spies that framed up people in the Trump campaign has operatives still at work in the CIA.

Are we already down the road of destroying our CIA and FBI? How can we expect these agencies to be non-partisan if the oversight committees are partisan?

It is enough. Shifty Schiff needs to be removed from the intelligence committee entirely. His conduct is not unbiased. His conduct has proven to be lies over and over. We cannot have the head of the intelligence committee be such a political operative.

Shifty Schiff has to be removed from the committee
