A lot of people still seem unconfident to say they like Donald Trump.

A lot of people still seem to cringe at his various tweets and his statements.

A lot of people still despise him with every fiber of their being

A lot of people may be worried about if he is taking us down a good path

The liberals are still in insane hatred and the media is still 95% biased against him.

But the problem is that he is actually doing the things that needed to be done.

The democrats during the 2016 election did not consider immigration an issue at all. They did not consider trade an issue at all. They did not consider NATO spending an issue. They did not see middle class jobs, middle class wages to be big issues.

The Democrats were focused on what they called the hate in our society. The problem is they created the hate not Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a consequence of the policies they invoked for 8 years.

In Europe we have seen election after election go against liberals.

Even the few remaining liberals are in terrible shape. Macron is at 4% approval. Germany is hanging by a thread to leadership by the liberal party only after they said they would ship back some refugees.


Hillary said it. She told them to abandon liberal immigration policies in Europe otherwise there would be no more liberals left in Europe. She called it. 80% of Europeans said they would support a 0 immigration policy for Muslims. None. Zero. Hillary acknowledged that holding on to the idea of globalists to flood Europe with immigrants was causing liberals to lose power so badly they would be exterminated if they didn’t stop it.

Because of the failure of liberal policies this is why Trump was elected.

Why did Hitler emerge? Because Germany under the controls the west imposed became a failed state and the people turned to a maniacal dictator.

Trump is not a dictator or Hitler and neither are the leaders in Europe who are being elected but the reason people are shifting to the right all over the world is that the globalist policies are failing and hurting the masses.

The people of those countries are trying to take back their countries.

Obiden administration ignored the signs. They did everything they could to deny there was a problem with the economy. It’s all great with 2% growth and 4% unemployment they said Except it wasn’t. With high immigration, low job creation, lower participation rate it was masking extreme anxiety that was being created in the country.

Anxiety not of white people. It was blacks and hispanics and everyone. This is not a racial thing. It is just bad policies resulting in bad performance and liberals are lying to themselves trying to ignore the facts.

Terrorism rose by 500%. ISIS had spread to 29 countries. 5 or more wars simultaneously in the middle east was killing a million people. Russia took crimea, Iran fomenting terrorism too, N Korea launching long range missles and testing nukes.

For Europe it was so bad for the first time ever the EU cracked and a member country exited.

Obamacare didn’t solve anything. Medical costs had gone through the roof and in spite of Obamacare we were dying younger for the first time in 50 years. Suicide had massively increased and deductibles and costs soared.

76% of the people said we were on the wrong track.

Trump is not Hitler. Not even close. The US immigrates millions of people. The fact we don’t have an open border doesn’t make us Nazi Germany. Nobody in the world has an open border.

You cannot help your people if you have an open border. You have no control over who your people are and nobody has the money to support an arbitraty number of unskilled workers come in their country.

It is also a little bit cultural. Illegal immigrants don’t spend years learning our rules and language and they don’t have to wait in line and obey rules. They come in violating rules. They don’t know what the culture of america is. They are here in a lot of cases just to get a job but even that is not pure goodness. If we want to raise wages and improve the life of Americans we can’t let arbitrary nunbers of people come in.

When the economy was doing poorly fewer illegal immigrants crashed our border but I knew and Trump knew that once we had the economy humming again people would start to flood the country as they had in the 80 and 90s. We got 22 million illegals according to MIT/Yale study this year.

We could easily double that if Trump got the economy roaring. The result would be so many illegals that one in 8 people would be illegal. Maybe that seems okay to you but these people would be violating our laws constantly. Not filing taxes, not getting drivers licenses, not getting insurance. Depending on public assistance in far greater quantities.

It’s a death spiral and even if not death it means any hope of raising wages for the middle class was doomed. We have to stop and get control of who gets to come here. Every other country in the world does this.

What I am saying fundamentally even if you don’t like what I’m saying the fact is failed policies cause people to seek alternate solutions.

The best thing liberals can do is advocate rational sane workable policies that will improve ACTUAL problems Americans have. Not just propose them but prove by making them work.

They complain about racism but for a fact there were more race riots under Obiden. There was more unrest and there were just as many mass killings or other killings. They did nothing to solve gun deaths. The hate they claim is infecting the country is something they created because they failed to make america work.

The result is Trump.

The fact is Trump is addressing real problems the Democrats refused to accept were problems. Even today they fight and say crazy things maybe because they don’t want to admit they failed.

Trump is putting it in their faces.

These are the problems:

We need to save the middle class. Trump’s playing into a real set of problems that needed to be fixed.

These are not in order of importance necessarily:

  1. Decline in the middle class assets, wages and security
  2. Nato nations not meeting commitments leading to Russian adventurism
  3. Rising terrorism, the growth of ISIS and radical Muslim regimes and influence
  4. The intractability of American poverty and decimation of the middle and lower classes

The fact is Trump has succeeded on all fronts.

Since he has come into power he has increased wages for the middle class for the first time in decades. People are coming off the non-particpation rolls and going back to work. We are regaining manufacturing and other middle class jobs. The US is outperforming the world not underperforming as we were for the previous 8 years.

Terrorism has collapsed around the world and in the US. ISIS is virtually defeated and has lost its 2 caliphates. Iran is in retreat and the middle east is calming down. Wars winding down and death declining.

Nato nations are now paying (other than Germany and France) their 2% commitment translating to $100 billion more in NATO expenditures. Russia is not being adventurous.

Trump has gotten to the crux of the trade problems which have been draining and sucking dry the US by the trillion. He hasn’t solved them but the main reason the world is in recession and the US is still at 3% growth with no inflation is because we are demanding that other countries stop sucking at the teats of American consumers and stealing our IP.

Trump is leveraging the power of the US and its natural advantages to force change and to apply pressure to get things done.

We have pressure on China. Their economy is in vastly worse shape than they admit. I know because we studied the Chinese economy at a hedge fund I worked at. China is the most lying country of all countries in the world on its economy. If they say they are growing at 5% it means they are in recession. Their stock market is down 30% and their currency down nearly 30% as well.

Trump and I do not relish making China hurt or hurting the people but the change is not optional. They must change to a sustainable trade policy that doesn’t steal and abuse America and frankly the rest of the world too. It will lead to war eventually if we had let it continue.

The tariffs are good. Trump is right. All you will read on Google news or ABC or CNN or MSNBC is trade policies hurting Americans.


Yes, some people may feel some small pain but there is no inflation. ZERO percent. Trump will recompense farmers and others that the Chinese are targeting to try and weaken the presidents base. He can do that because the Chinese are paying us a $100 billion tax that may grow.

The changes of tariffs are providing massive incentive for companies to grow IN THE US. Factories and jobs are exploding. The investment led advance of the last several years is not a small consumer spending blip. It is a long term restructuring of supply chains.

Companies such as Apple are building phones in the US again. Why? Because a 20% tax on their phones coming out of China would completely nullify the manufacturing advantage the chinese have. Almost all parts in an iphone are sourced in the US. Only about 5-10% of the value of an iphone is in the Chinese manufacturing advantage or Chinese parts. Thus a 25% or even 10% tariff makes it suddenly profitable to manufacture phones in the US again.

Numerous companies are moving manufacturing to the US because they want to be able to sell to the American consumer. Why? Because we buy $900 billion from the rest of the world. They either take a $900 billion hit on the nose or they build here.

The liberal press doesn’t tell you these things. Even some of the libertarians who are morally opposed to tariffs are against Trump but tariffs are used to protect markets meaning that we are rebuilding industry and jobs in Amerca and protecting them from foreign unfair attacks.

The reason this works to our great advantage is because of this $900 billion deficit. Trump recognized this. He thinks outside the box. Nobody else seemed to realize the basic economics that we all knew decades ago.

These tariffs protect our workers. That’s why they were there. Europe still does it. They protect all kinds of businesses. However, when you are a net buyer like us it gives us the power because nobody can replace our purchases. They will go into recession which they are if they don’t get to suck our consumers. They are dependent on us and will build factories here, lower their prices, pay the tariffs themselves or even lower their currency to make it cheaper but no matter how they do it they end up suffering way more than us because they are dependent on the $900 billion we buy,.

If we don’t buy the $550 billion from China that it is addicted to from us they will collapse faster than you can say rumpelstiltskin. 100 Hundred million would be unemployed in China. They would go into massive depression and may not emerge for decades.

We on the other hand can buy our stuff from anywhere including from ourselves which would be better. There might be a slight price hike but remember that this goes back to american workers in the form of higher wages and more jobs. A little inflation wouldn’t be a bad thing.

What I’m saying is that with Trump you may not like how he fights, you may not like his tweets or you may believe what liberals say about him being racist but he is getting things done no Democrat even acknowledged was a problem.

None of what Trump is doing would have been done by any Democrat.

They did not conquer ISIS. What did it take to defeat ISIS? To stop micromanaging our commanders and let them do what they wanted and to rebuild our military. No democrat would have done that.

He is working the trade angle. Biden says China is no problem. Half (maybe all) the Democratic candidates are virtually arguing Chinas positions on trade. Talk about influence on elections.

He is working to stop illegal immigration even as they fight him tooth and nail.

He is raising middle class wages which liberals never thought was a problem. He is restoring manufacturing that liberals said was impossible.

He is growing the economy at 3% which is faster than Obiden said would ever be possible again. He is eating down the non-participating number even as Democrats refused to even admit it existed.

Since he is doing these things I ask you to consider is it possible that the constant 95% bias you hear on liberal media is similarly deceiving you?

I’m just asking. I’m just asking you to consider if possibly the things they are doing and saying about him possibly wrong.

How could a racist be helping blacks and hispanics so much that his support has climbed to 34% among black males and 50% among native born hispanics? What kind of racist gets this kind of support? What kind of racist does the things he’s done for blacks and hispanics? Why aren’t there more riots?

You may not like Trump and you may agree with some liberal criticism or a lot of them but I have heard many liberals admit he is working on problems that nobody else would have worked on and that he was probably the right president for us.

You won’t ever hear that on CNN or MSNBC or NPR but I have heard it from numerous liberals. I believe they were speaking truthfully.

What liberals have to face is that if you advocate policies which don’t work you will face the wrath of voters no matter if you call the guy who took over a racist and 100 other explitives and names.

I challenge liberals to stop with the screaming about their super morality and get down and start to work on real solutions to solve our problems rather than complaining and proposing insane suicidal ideas which even if you were to get elected would cause you to be defeated the very next election.

You may think Obamacare was mostly right but the fact that less than 3 years after it was implemented even democrats are coming up with solutions that involve basically trashing everything including obamacare. You didn’t fix anything. Our longevity declined and there is more concern about healthcare than ever. It’s not Donald Trump. It’s you that didn’t solve the problem. That’s why he got elected.

I ask you to consider if attacking the voters by calling them all racists who you don’t like or who don’t vote for you is actually a way to win voters? Do you think you can intimidate people into voting for you? That is called fascism.

Do you think telling all the middle class voters who work in good jobs in manufacturing, energy, cars, airplanes that you want to completely restructure their businesses is exciting to those voters?

Is telling everyone in the medical field that you intend to crush costs with government paid medicare will win you votes with current medicare recipients or with the medical practitioners who live on good salaries and have good paying jobs?

Do you think having an anti-business screaming socialist is going to help the average american of which 80% work for private businesses feel confident about their job?

You guys need a massive rethink of what you are saying and thinking and you have to admit some of what Trump is doing is actually right and maybe argue you would do the same things but without the tweets or something because you are scary.