Probably the biggest thing I’ve noticed with Democrats over the last 3 years is how much they are scared of the truth. They lie to themselves constantly. This is stunning to see. They prefer to believe false things that make them feel good than to acknowledge the truth.

In my life I’ve discovered when I lie to myself and pretend things are going well inevitably I get disappointed when the truth comes out and bad things happen. It’s always better to face the truth and fix it before the problem gets worse and you lose the respect of others because they reliaze you were wrong or lied.

At least in the real world that is how it works. Maybe in politics you can lie to yourself forever and never face the consequences but I think not.

Every night we see incredible levels of bias that even Harvard study shows is 96% biased.

There can be no doubt that they are lying. The consistency of their narratives tell us that they are presenting only one side. You might expect 96% consistency when you are listening to arithmetic channel. 3+3=6. 3+4=7. We all agree. Nobody would argue that 3+3=5 is correct.

Politics isn’t like arithmetic. Even science isn’t like politics. You shouldn’t see 96% consistency in climate reporting. If you see that you can bet you are not getting the true story. But you do. You get only one side on the media. Why? Why are they so scared to present any contrary ideas? Is it scared or are they suppressing and oppressing contrary opinions?

They have an article how seas will rise 6 feet by 2040 or 2050 or 2100 but they don’t mention that the IPCC says that there is no evidence that sea levels are accelerating and that the most likely rise is less than 12 inches not 6 feet.

They might also report that other studies show that islands that previous studies said would be underwater now already are bigger than they were at the time they started predicting they would disappear. Glaciers that they claimed would be gone by now are bigger than when they first claimed they would be gone now.

You never see a television show that would go through the environmental disasters of the past. Let’s hear about the millions who died in floods in the past and droughts. The 17 million who died from pestilence in the last century. Let’s have a show on the drought of 1850 that killed 50 million people. If they showed such programs people might not be so blown away that 82F is so hot it’s going to kill people. They might not be blown away by a couple days of 100 degree days in France when most of the world has seen those temperatures every summer.

The reason you NEVER see any programs that tell us the truth is because they are scared if people hear such things they aren’t smart enough to still believe in their ideas. They know that people will be skeptical of their ideas. They said as much. So, they are willing to suppress the truth. They are willing to lie because they can’t stand that you might doubt them or what they say.

They are truly insecure. They high five each other even as they lie. We saw it a million times during the Russia scandal. They had nothing and unless they were dolts they had to know that they had nothing but they kept trying to tell people that they did have things.

Even with Mueller they told us how great he was. How he was a master of prosecution. A straight shooter. They have him cover for 2 + years only to find out he’s a person who can’t remember what you said 2 seconds ago. They lie to themselves constantly. They are scared of the truth.

It started a long time ago

30 years ago I noticed the start of this. They admitted that it was more important to lie about the surety of climate change in case they were right and the evidence of the science didn’t show it. This was discussed among Climate Scientists. It was revealed in ClimateGate one of the 3 major scandals of Climate Science that 99% of people are unaware of.

They admitted lying about Climate Change was okay because they were saving the world.

I think this underlies much of their thinking. It’s okay to lie in this case because if they were wrong all they had done is lie and waste money but if they were right then they saved the world.

This means they didn’t trust you and me to come to the right conclusion and decided to lie to us to convince us to take actions. That really does explain to me how Democrats think about a lot of things. They aren’t true “democrats” because they don’t actually believe the average person knows the correct answer. This explains why they try to game the system all the time and why they are so willing to lie.

They don’t trust us and Hillary said it well. Half the country is deplorable. They hate half the country and therefore lying or cheating to win is needed because they don’t trust Democracy to make the right decision. Their worst fears were made apparent in 2016 when a man they knew was a dictator and many other bad things was elected over their hand picked successor to the OBiden administration.

Their lies today get more stupendous every day.

For the last 3 years we have been subjected to a witch hunt. From the very beginning the people in the know (Peter Strozek and Lisa Page for instance) knew there was “no there there.”

Anybody who looked at the facts knew that Comey and Mueller never had the goods on Trump. Mueller’s indictments seemed impressive and it was great news talking about the 35 indictments or whatever they claimed but the fact is that none of these indictments and none of the evidence suggested that there was any interaction with Trump and Russia.

Mueller’s team tried desperately to flip Trump’s associates to fabricate or say something damaging about Trump. They hoped that if they continued the investigation long enough that Trump himself would become fed up and commit some obstruction. They hoped that digging through his lawyer’s files they would find something to get him with and they hoped that they could frame Papadapoulis or Carter Page into something they could claim was collusion.

They even staged an elaborate hoax by arranging a Russian lawyer to give DT Jr dirt on Hillary. They had to get a Russian spy into the country getting her a special attorney general granted visa. Convince her to carry false information about Hillary into the meeting and convince DT Jr to take the meeting by having an entertainer friend of the family implore him to meet. They arranged all this and set this up so they could leak it and accuse the President of taking the meeting hoping nobody ever realized Hillary’s campaign and the federal government worked together with spies to do this.

3 years and no flipping, no dirt, no frameups worked. Even using the FISA court and committing possibly 1,000 felonies by uncovering US citizen conversations under false pretext and improperly they were able to use the awesome power of the NSA and CIA to essentially see every conversation Trump or his associates had for a year. Nothing.

All along the Democratic stooges of the Press spun fantasies and took every leaked piece of anything and spun it into a story of salacious and damning dimensions. He knew about Wikileaks before others. Well, not really. They knew Cohen went to Prague. Not.

Everyone knew it was a fraud except the Democrats who lied to themselves believing and believing that this was the case of the century and Mueller was the most storied prosecutor in history.

Now we find out he’s got early onset dementia and can’t remember a question from 2 seconds ago, can’t remember the word conspiracy and in spite of trying to read his own report multiple times written by his team for 2 years in preparation for his testimony he couldn’t remember more than a couple details.

Identity Politics is a lie

Identity Politics is based on the idea I am great because of my genetic heritage (whatever it is unless it is white male) and nobody can criticize me and if I fail or have any problems in life it is almost certainly entirely the responsibility of the 6% of the people in the world who are white and male.

People are doing genetic testing in droves hungering to see what genetic features they might have to lord over other people. Look, I have some Indian blood. I’m better than you. I deserve special treatment. Treat me better because I am genetically more diverse than you.

They say the worst people to ever live in history were the white founders of this country who were uniformly racist and lived off the black slaves in the US either directly or indirectly.

Also, all the riches in America today are a direct result of the enslavement of blacks 200 years ago. The growing of that cotton and profits produced almost all the wealth of the US or led to it and therefore white people are responsible for the failure or problems of every race and country in the world since then.

This is a very convenient theory that excuses everything that happens to you if you aren’t one of those white males. Even if you had nothing to do with any white person who ever enslaved people or went after native Indians.

Let’s say you are a black congressperson making nearly $200,000/year and have immunity from misdemeanors. You are blessed with enormous privilege but you go to the Safeway and have 20 items in your cart. Doesn’t your privileged position as a person with black genes allow you to go into the 10 item line? If someone calls you out they must be a racist and a white privileged Trump supporter that has oppressed your people for hundreds of years.

You don’t need evidence of who the guy who who asked you to move to the regular line at the Safeway. You knew he was a Trump supporting white supremacist.

Democrats are scared of the truth. They are frightened to death of being politically incorrect to the point that they don’t want to know any facts that contradict that.

They are scared to death of say anything that turns out to be politically incorrect. So, they will lie, they will say anything to deny they think any black person ever is wrong.

That is why they have such a problem with Donald Trump. Donald Trump speaks the truth that is politically incorrect.

He says that countries like Haiti and El Salvador are “**itholes.” Liberals panicked and went berserk. These are people who live in these countries and are proud people. They deserve to be treated as good people.

Yet, the truth is that millions of people have left these countries claiming they were being oppressed and had no opportunity, that their countries persecuted them. How can you call any country that loses 30% of its population under pure fear and lack of opportunity? The minimum you could say is that they are failed countries run by corrupt and evil people. What is there to be proud of? Why are these people defending their countries? They are precisely what Donald Trump called them.

They can’t face the truth. Even as they argue at the same time all these people must be refugees fleeing horrible places they can’t say they are horrible places. This to me is the ultimate in blatant hypocrisy.

Instead, we are told the US is the evil country, the despicable country full of racist and white supremacists and systematically oppressed anybody not in the white male class not those other countries people are fleeing.

Not only is the US the source of white supremacy but we are also the principal cause of Global Warming and have the debt to lead the world to a carbon free future even if we have to commit suicide in the process.

In fact, Donald Trump himself with his policies is destroying the world with his climate policies even though the US is 5% of the carbon output of the world in 2100 regardless of anything Donald Trump does. They can’t admit that even if Donald Trump did everything he could to encourage CO2 output the world would not change one thousandth of a degree in 2100. In fact, the US is reducing its Co2 output more than any country in the world today. True.

They can’t admit that the US is lowering its co2 output more than Germany in spite of Donald Trump.

They can’t admit that all the “studies” on catastrophic global warming they constantly put out are 100% wrong. Every single one of these studies is false and a lie. Yet they never admit it.

Is it any wonder that morons like AOC, Beto and others then fall for the same propaganda they spit out.

Their lies backfire. Pelosi faces immigrants demanding she give them citizenship when she has no intention. They are yelling in her face. Pelosi is forced to go with the mob because the mob is enraged by the constant lying their media and the mob spouts.

Their lying not only leads to embarrassment when people find just after they claim Mueller is a genius to save them it turns out he is in dementia. Not only after they claim hurricanes will be worse and we go for 12 consecutive years without a landfall. Not only after they claim Donald Trump colluded and we find out they had been lying every night for 3 years. Not only when we find out he didn’t know about Wikileaks before anyone else or on and on.

Every day we are discovering lies and I think even democrats are starting to notice how bad it is. Viewership of CNN and MSNBC has been decimated.

We see many black people now speaking up and claiming outright Donald Trump is not a racist even though the news “reporters” say he’s a racist 1,000 times every night. The black support of Trump has risen to 30% and I wonder if Democrats have any understanding how they are vulnerable once blacks start to see that they have lied about how Donald Trump is a racist for 3 years.

I think Democrats think they can lie to people indefinitely and the more they insist their lies are true that eventually it falls apart.

It may take years more of blatant exposure of their lies but eventually the sickness that engulfs liberals will be exposed. They will realize that lying is not a very good strategy as I learned when I was a kid.

There will always be liars. Sometimes people will get away but the propaganda networks will eventually be crushed and the efforts by social media to crush speech will be stopped. Our constitution is fighting back. Campuses are being forced to let people speak.

I think the Democrats believe that they can propagandize people and it is working. Many people do fall for it still but that number is dwindling.

They say these problems like Racism, Illegal immigrants, Global warming, etc are our pre-eminent problems but the people don’t believe them. Poll after poll says their ideas around these subjects are disliked 2 to 1. If they nominate a candidate who believes their own lies and proposes these things they will be crushed like a paper cup.

The lies aren’t working. Some are fighting back but the Democrats media mob and social media mob believe their own lies and they are forcing democrats to believe their own lies. The people don’t. They will be crushed if they can’t crush these media mobs but they can’t do that without exposing everything they’ve said as lies. So, they won’t do this before 2020 and they are doomed.