Trump Hate Map

The site above supposedly gives substance to instances that Donald Trump or his supporters have instigated a hate crime against black or hispanic people. It looks to have what they call 50 or so documented cases.

You may have noticed that in the last 3 years there have been at least 30 cases of hate crimes which were faked. It’s incredible. I never remember this ever happening before.

In fact, what the article refers to above as evidence of the “Trump effect” of inducing hate is actually evidence of Democrats inciting fake hate crimes in numbers never seen before. Smullet was not the first nor will he be the last. A black parishioner in Alabama burned down his own baptist church painting vote Trump and swastikas on it. People have written themselves hate notes and ascribed it to others. They have claimed they were attacked on trains, on the street.

In fact there have been 583 documented cases of violent democrats hating Trump supporters and physically hurting them. People shot in bars and on baseball fields. Many people punched. Vastly more than the 50 “hate crimes” on this website above.

Let’s look at some of these hate crimes they allege because remarkably the media has for the last 3 years only screaming about the faked hate crimes. I have said there must be real hate crimes that they aren’t talking about for some reason because if all they have are faked hate crimes then obviously they don’t have any hate crimes or they would tell us about them.

Motel 6

According to this incident an irate women who had a fight with her boyfriend forced him to stay at a motel 6. The clerk requested ID and he showed mexican voter ID card. ICE came and deported him.

This is not a hate crime. It can’t be a hate crime to enforce the law. If that were the case then Mueller would be guilty of hate crimes.

The day a racial slur was discovered spray-painted on Spokane’s Martin Luther King Jr. Family Outreach Center, dozens of people gathered in solidarity to denounce the act and paint over the red graffiti.

Nobody knows who did this. One word was spray painted on the building. Anybody could have done this and the word is heard on the radio millions of times a day by black artists referring to themselves and others not always in hatred. Of the 30 faked hate crimes we saw over the last 3 years many of them used this word by the instigators of the faked hate crime. We don’t know if this is just another case because they never caught who painted it.

Iowans received prerecorded calls stating that #MollieTibbetts would’ve wanted undocumented immigrants killed. – Today, this message appeared on the road acrossed a predominately Latino trailer park in Des Moines. WE ARE NOT SAFE!

I have researched this and can’t find any reference to “calls wanting undocumented immigrants killed.” I have a feeling this is an interpretation of something that was said. In any case an illimigrant killed Mollie Tibbetts in a most heinous and horrific manner. Trump has called out many such incidents and has used those incidents to push his agenda against illegal immigrants.

Clearly blaming illegal immigrants for deaths has merit in that they actually did do it. Liberals like to argue that well people get killed all the time. People against illegal immigrants argue that if those people weren’t here those deaths wouldn’t have happened but also the good things that some illegal immigrants do would not get done. We can argue about whether illegals or more or less criminal but referring to their illegal behavior is a way to trigger people.

The left knows this which is why they always like to say that Trump wants to kill illegal immigrants or that if someone at the border dies of a disease or something it is Trump’s fault. Saying that children in cages is Trump’s fault when the picture was from Obama’s term is pretty stupid but they screamed and incited hatred.

The fact is that illegal immigrants are illegally here. Every day they have to commit one crime or another to stay here. Whether not reporting income, not paying some tax or other violation they are illegal. Their illegal status means they are subject to all kinds of evil things. People stiff them for jobs. What can they do about it? They are always on the run. They can’t start corporations or become too prominent or face being found out. They are second class citizens.

Nobody sane can argue for illegal immigrants. It’s like slavery. People who live in this state are not going to be having a great life no matter what and nothing we can do but making them legal will change that. However, letting any illegal immigrant become legal is effectively open borders.

In my opinion the fact is that people are seeking to solve this problem and inevitably however we solve it some number of the millions here will be deported back. Some of them may be allowed to stay but there is no easy solution but everyday we argue that we shouldn’t solve the problem or they keep persisting this problem only makes life worse for those trying to get here and dieing or being raped or trafficked. It only means a second class life in America and they are letting the corrupt and shithole leaders of the countries they left get away with being corrupt and evil.

The solution is not to protect illegals. The solution is to figure out a solution and come to agreement and stop calling anybody trying to solve it a hater. Americans don’t hate immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants and there are no Americans who want to return America to some white America. Donald Trump is talking about making our society more just by making a compromise and making some people legal and the others have to leave. Sorry but that is simply the law and the only thing that makes sense and is ethical.

I don’t consider this a hate crime but part of the political rhetoric of today which is symptomatic of a crisis that we have 25 million illegals in america who are not overall good for America. Even if you disagree you can’t believe another 25 million would be good and that is what you are arguing for if you seek to protect illegals and not seek a solution.

The FBI was searching for suspects Saturday after an explosive device detonated at a suburban Minneapolis mosque as people were preparing for morning prayers, damaging a room but not causing any injuries, authorities and witnesses said.

Once again is this a faked hate crime? No one has been found. We don’t know the motive. It could have been another Muslim. It could have been a crazy person.

The allegation is that they get hate calls all the time. So does everyone. Trump got 12,000 tweets to have him and his family killed. Hate calls are common in today’s left that accuses every Republican of evil.

I don’t consider this a hate crime because we have no idea who did it.

Wright, 31, was charged with a hate crime for allegedly smashing the window of a downtown synagogue and putting swastika stickers on its doors in early February. 

Like a few similar incidents involving anti-semitism these are almost always from the left. It is the left that hates Jews.

The left has Nazism and Republicans confused. Republicans are not Nazi’s and have no connection. Republicans have never hated Jews. It is always liberals who commit these crimes. This is a a hate crime but it is probably done by the left incited by their palestinian supporters who are almost all in the Democratic party.

Such incidents are rising not because of Trump but because of anti-semetic positions of some Democratic leaders who encourage Jew hatred. The same was true of the last 2 anti-semetic incidents including the murder of members of a synagogue shot recently by a Democrat.

Two rookie police officers in New Orleans were fired Wednesday after they allegedly beat up a Latino man and called him a “fake American.”

Calling someone fake American is not a hate crime legally however, the incident does sound like it is hate based. We don’t know the cricumstances. The case hasn’t been tried yet but I doubt seriously that they beat this guy up merely because he was “fake American” whatever that means.

“Yeah, we are playing a bunch of Mexicans, it should be an easy game.” “Those kids can’t even speak English.” “Wait until Trump sends them all home.” Those are just some of the things our fans hear about their kids.

A school composed of more Mexicans than other nationality has some disgusting things said. While there is no specific charge the allegation is made that this has increased.

I have heard a lot of things said at baseball and other games directed at people with vitriol that is disgusting. It is kind of typical and I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t reciprocate. Please see “West Side Story” for more evidence that hate has always existed.

The problem is that this is allegation and for some reason they never seem to bring these people up for charges or call them out by name. Why?

People get called names all the time. Simply using words should not be a hate crime because people say all kinds of horrible things. You have to have thick skin to get by in this world.

A hate crime has to involve actual violence, has to involve doing it because of a protected minority status. Being illegal does not qualify as protected status. It has to involve specific individuals and specific charges not just comments how I feel like people don’t like me and call me names.

We are trying to criminilize speech. If so, Democrats should watch out because their speech is full of hatred. They are inciting massive number of incidents real incidents with real violence.

Everyday people are yelled out and discriminated by liberals who hate Republicans. 583 times this escalated to violence. There is no such list of incidents by Republicans. So, I’m sorry calling someone a name is bad but everyone does it most of all Democrats.

“The United Dixie White Knights Realm of Alabama wants you!” it said. “Sleep well tonight knowing that the Klan is alert and awake.”

The KKK of alabama according to the article confirmed they sent out fliers including more incendiary things. So, why aren’t they prosecuted. Here you have a specific case, with specific charges.

Because there is no violence possibly. Because there is no evidence of actual discrimination performed.

The problem with the KKK is it has lost power and members. These are people who control nobody’s life. They have said these things always and when they were Democrats they actually did string people up and commit hate crimes. Today they are pathetic single digit numbers of people who are worthless and have no power to hurt anyone.

They cannot deny any black person a job. They don’t physcially hurt anyone. They are mean horrible people but they are also meaningless. They have no power. Their numbers are so small and their reach less than the Russians.

Has hate crime increased?

In fact it hasn’t. Raw numbers are up for the last 6 years but the raw numbers are less than under Clinton.

The per capita numbers are decreasing because a far larger number of cities are reporting such crimes. The problem is reporting a crime is not the same as I show above is a crime or is hateful.

The massive increase in faked hate crimes tells us something is afoot but it doesn’t tell us hate crimes have increased. I have not been able to see statistics on convicted hate crimes but such statistics could also easily be biased because liberals are deciding to prosecute such crimes much more.

I don’t know if hate crimes have increased but I wouldn’t doubt it because there are so many hateful messages put out by Democrats that are inciting real incidents of violence. Are more blacks or hispanic being attacked. I doubt black but maybe hispanic. That’s purely a guess.

The issue is what are you going to do about it? The problem will never go away with illegal immigrants and it hurts all hispanics to be associated with illegals. The immigration situation needs a solution to end the untenable and horrible situation but Democrats never want to solve the problem. They don’t propose a solution. They don’t talk about a solution except to exacerbate the problem by eliminating ICE and by making it easier and easier for illegals to exist in America and undermine our society by creating an underground economy of second class citizens who are like slaves. It seems to me Democrats really like their servants who work for low wages. They will say anything and do anything to keep their servants and slaves like they did for the last century and the century before.

I have concluded that Democrats are the same people as before. In the last century they were racist against black people. Today they are racist against everyone else. They are racist in that they seem to care about race so much. Identity politics seeking to constantly inflame hatred this time to anyone who they perceive is better off than them.

The same mentality that allowed racists to emotionally rant against blacks is the same mentality that allows people to riot in Antifa and BLM. It is the same type of personality that is emotional and argues passionately for injustice except it is not pointed against blacks but against whites for instance or asians or whoever else is not doing poorly.

The same emotional approach to morality from Democrats unhinged but pointing themselves in different directions. Instead of hanging black people they want to hang those in the oil industry or the car industry or rich people or white males or Republicans. There insane and emotional arguments are the same thing the racists did when arguing for slavery.

These are the same people in the Democratic party just they are pointed in a different direction. They employ the same hate and violence. They have the same mentality that allows them to go to a person on Sproul plaze in Berkeley and punch someone in the face over a political disagreement.

That same kid 50 years ago would have been tormenting black people and punching them in the face. What you have to recognize is their hate filled emotional fascistic rants as the same things racists in the Democratic party said 50 years ago.

The list above of hate crimes is pathetic.

Where are the lynchings? Where are the murders? Where are the burned buildings and terrorism?

This is a list of allegations most of which have not been prosecuted. When they have investigated and found the instigator more often than not it turns out to be a fake hate crime.

If there was damaging racism in America how come even this site has nothing but allegations and stupid things that don’t even qualify as hate crimes. There is hardly any violence and the violent incidents are probably done by the liberals (the anti-semetic incident.)

Where is the violence like the 583 documented violent incidents by Democratics against Republicans.